Women invest better. We want to see them invest more.

Taynaah Reis
Moeda Seeds
Published in
3 min readMar 8, 2019

Moeda’s Anniversary: we created a gift for women to invest in women.

Moeda Gift Campaign: exclusively for women

It’s right there in our logo. Women play an essential part in everything that Moeda does. If this is any more obvious in the fact that our Impact Investments give preference to women-led projects, it may not be so clear at the other end of our ecosystem. With our anniversary landing squarely on International Women’s Day, we decided it was time to change that.

Our Seed Projects are focused on supporting women because they face more obstacles when it comes to starting a business and gaining credit. In addition to burdensome bureaucracy and the high rates applied in Brazil, women are also subjected to prejudice, difficulties in reconciling home-family-children with their profession, lower access to education, and — rather importantly — the lack of confidence that this generates.

Humanizing finance supports empowering entrepreneurs

But it should be noted that, despite the contrasting environment, these same issues are present within another sphere of our work: the investors’ side. The vast majority of investors are still men.

It turns out that this is exactly what happens in the overall spectrum of global investments. Women are still a minority, although numerous studies, including figures from the World Bank, point to two paramount issues:

• Women tend to invest better than men

• Higher female participation in the financial world would generate monetary gains and sustainability for the planet

Women save more; they are more patient, assuming less risk than men; also they are more willing to learn and ask for advice. So, what’s missing for these investors to capture more space in the investment world? The same lack of confidence that surrounds the entrepreneurial women coming from the other side of our ecosystem, in the Seed Projects.

Moeda Seed Project

For countless years, the belief was that women have no head for finances, for spearheading professional projects, for innovating. It’s time to acknowledge that this is just a myth, as Alexandra Taussig, VP of Fidelity rightly states.

It is more than a matter of gender equality. “If women can reach their full potential, economies will benefit”, Priya Basu confirms, the Women Entrepreneurs Finance Initiative. A recent study by McKinsey Global Institute demonstrates that the world economy would grow by almost US$ 30 trillion if the full potential of women was achieved.

Moeda Gift exclusively for Women

Leveraging the fact that Moeda celebrates its 2nd anniversary on 3/8 — International Women’s Day, we decided to offer a gift to women who wish to participate in our Impact Investments. Up to March 31st, women who are already in our ecosystem and complete their registration forms, activating their Moeda Wallets, will earn 30 MDALOYAL — our exclusive digital currency for investments in Seed Projects. Simply use the WOMENIMPACT code in the “Gift” area of moedaseeds.com.

Visit https://moedaseeds.com/gift/women-impact and use the code WOMENIMPACT

It’s a symbolic boost to encourage women to learn more about Impact Investments. But it’s also more than just this: it’s the fusion of women of impact at the two ends of Moeda’s ecosystem. And it’s time to get to know them better and support the pursuit for a fairer world.


