Moeda Selected Seed — Women Milky Way

John Chiarella
Moeda Seeds
Published in
2 min readJan 23, 2018

“Industrial farming” is a bit of a paradox. How can one expect food produced in a factory or built on mechanical processes to be of the same quality as traditional farming, or to be as sustainable?

Women Milky Way, the eighth project of Moeda’s Pilot Seed Program seeks to show that for dairy products it is perfectly possible to do so, while also taking part in a number of other sustainable development goals.

Women Milky Way plans to implement a variety of measures to make the industry exponentially less wasteful and more responsible. These include reducing greenhouse and methane emissions by intensely managing the cows on site (so their waste can be properly collected and they are not all concentrated together when they are at their most active), using the cow’s and other farm waste to anaerobically digest the methane (so it doesn’t happen in the atmosphere), and improving the energy efficiency of the processing plant.

The 31 members of Women Milky Way will receive 186,842 USD in Moeda microloans to milk the right way. Doing so will help bring about gender equality, produce clean water and provide sanitation, use affordable and clean energy, provide decent work opportunities, build sustainable cities, communities, and infrastructure, and responsibly consume and produce. For more, check the following:

Moeda selected seed project — Women Milky-way

