Judicious and Effective: The new mantra for digital marketers and advertisers

Team Moe's Art
Moe’s Art
Published in
4 min readSep 3, 2020

The pandemic and the subsequent global lockdown reshaped the entire world in unprecedented ways! Bringing brands, businesses and people’s life to an uncertain halt, it has made all of us revisit and revise everything that we took for granted, as normal.

And as we move towards the new order of things, we are in face with a golden opportunity to expand our digital footprint, explore multiple consumer touchpoints, and curate personalized experiences across platforms and formats.

Following the age-old adage that says, ‘Every cloud has a silver lining’, the lockdown too has paved the way for newer opportunities and unexplored avenues. In the past couple of months, we have seen enterprises embrace a complete digital transformation with a long-term vision of sustainability. But in the times of uncertainty, what defines the new normal for brands, and as the shift to digital intensifies — is it time for digital marketers and advertisers to redefine their marketing mantra and spends?

Let’s find out.


As we all became familiar with the word social distancing; on-ground activations in the likes of events, campaigns, marathons etc will now be restructured and remodeled, which still has a long way to go! In such a scenario, it becomes imperative to curate digital experiences for your consumers to stay connected and keep the communication bridge lively!

With people spending more time online and browsing the internet; brands need to be cognizant in deciding the apt and the most impactful social media platform for an increased consumer engagement. Whilst allotting the spends, one must take into consideration which platform is best suitable for their brand’s services and their core messaging in addition to their target audience.

For example, a robust Instagram-led strategy makes more sense for a beauty and/or a fashion brand than Twitter or Facebook. Often regarded as a ‘natural showcase for the fashion world’, the platform’s visual nature helps in showcasing their latest lines, and give fashion conscious customers a chance to buy with just a click or a DM.


First impression is the last impression, yes! But in the digital realm impressions are manifold.

In an ideal and a perfect world, each and every post of yours would be seen, and engaged by each one of your followers. Alas, it’s not perfect and things are not that simple. However, in the age of selfies; it is the creativity of your visual identity that captures the attention of your ‘Now, Now, Now or Never’, digital audience and helps you stand out from the rest.

Enterprises must also focus their spends on crafting interesting and intriguing creatives that make their brand’s personality ‘pop’! Instead of just posting product photos or important announcements, brands and businesses are investing in crafting an intimate bond with their consumers buoyed by interesting narratives, and exemplary creatives.

Hence, intellectual investment centered around design and analytics must become an important factor for businesses to consider when deciding their post-lockdown marketing spends.


A brand’s success largely depends on what the people have to say about them. Therefore, it is very important for brands to tap into the power of audience engagement and of user generated content.

As marketers and advertisers, we are always in the whirlwind of content dilemma — overwhelmed to constantly create fresh and captivating content. Your content bank will have several tweets for a day, a regular post for Facebook, industry-related blogs for LinkedIn and bright, happy pictures for Instagram. However, in the new world, User Generated Content (UGC) is all slated to rule the roost. Businesses are on a creative overdrive discovering impactful conversations between a user-base and a brand. Moreover, it is a well-known fact that a majority of customers value and engage with content that is shared by their peers over content that comes from the respective brand.

Apart from this, one should also look at exploring interesting new social media platforms (youth-centric apps) such as Snapchat, Pinterest etc to reach out to the youth who are, today, spending much of their time on these apps. For example, brands can tap the ‘discover’ section on snapchat and can focus on creating engagement centric content to attract the youngsters or can have customized filters on the platform.

The epic digital transformation that we have been waiting for, is finally here and it’s time we ask — Are we ready for it?

To view the original blog click here — http://moes-art.com/blog/

