How to Purchase a Mogul Access Pass

Lisa Sun
Mogul Productions
Published in
5 min readMar 24, 2021


Step-by-step instructions to purchase your Access Pass tier (or STARS) and what to expect

Purchases will go live at 9am EDT on March 25th.

Step 1: Sign up to

Step 2: Enter the verification code sent to your email

Step 3: Click the Access Passes

Step 4: Click “BUY” on the Access Pass you want to purchase

Step 4B: Select the “Top Up” tier if you only want to purchase STARS

This is if you want to top up your balance with STARS and spend less than 1 ETH

Input either the number of STARS you want to purchase, or the amount of ETH you want to spend.

After you’ve selected the amount of STARS you want to purchase, click OK to proceed to the next screen.

Step 5: Select the wallet you want to make the purchase with

Purchases are only made with Ethereum (ETH) so you must have Ethereum in your wallet to pay for the cost of the Access Pass and the gas fee required to send the transaction. You can connect your Metamask wallet directly to the Mogul platform; this is recommended. Do not send a transaction from an exchange.

When you click to connect your wallet, you must first approve the ability for your wallet to communicate with Mogul. Then, click the Metamask symbol a second time to initiate the transaction.

Step 6: Complete your purchase

If you are making the purchase from your Metamask wallet, you will have a pop-up on your browser. You need to confirm the transaction and ensure that the transaction has enough gas to go through. Our friends at Cryptobriefing have written a great tutorial on how to use Metamask here.

If you are making the purchase from a different wallet (do not send from an exchange wallet) it is a similar process. Click the wallet you want to use, or scan the QR code with the Wallet Connect link to connect your mobile wallet.

You must purchase the exact price of your tier plus the gas fee required to make the transaction go through. Learn more about gas here.

Your wallet will send you confirmation of your purchase. Please ensure that you have sent enough gas for the transaction to go through and monitor the transaction to make sure it is confirmed.

Step 7: Find your STARS

After your transaction is confirmed your STARS will be immediately sent to your wallet, but they will be paused until the campaign is over. You will be able to see your locked STARS in your Mogul Dashboard to show that the transaction was confirmed. You can also check Etherscan to see that the STARS are in your wallet.

If you’re using Metamask and don’t see your STARS — don’t worry. You just need to enable STARS through your wallet. Learn how here.

The STARS token contract is: 0xc55c2175E90A46602fD42e931f62B3Acc1A013Ca

To add this to your Metamask wallet, click Add Token:

Then, click Custom Token, and paste the contract address above in the field. The Token Symbol will automatically show up as STARS and the Decimals of Precision will be 18.

As soon as your purchase is confirmed you will see the number of STARS you purchased in your Mogul Dashboard:

Step 8: Find your Non-Fungible Token

Once your transaction is confirmed, head to your Mogul Profile and you’ll see the file for your NFT sitting in your profile!

The token representing your NFT will be distributed to every user on the platform when Mogul deploys live on the Polygon network with our Smart Wallet that offers users gasless transactions and decentralized recoverability.

Answers to other frequently asked questions:

Q: When will I receive the physical items included in my Access Pass purchase?

A: The Mogul team will follow up with each Access Pass purchaser within one week of the end of the Sale to gather shipping information. Due to the global nature of Mogul, we cannot guarantee delivery times but we hope that shipments are fast!

Q: When will I be able to spend my STARS to submit scripts or purchase rewards?

A: You can submit scripts and spend your STARS immediately when they are unlocked. You can also purchase rewards by contacting the Mogul team directly if you’re very interested in an item in the Rewards Marketplace. More options to spend STARS will be available each month in a phased approach and we will continue to offer rewards and NFT drops that our community wants!

Other roadmap details, such as the first voting round, date of the staking contract, and more will be published soon. We know that our community is eager for exact dates and details and we’re working hard to provide our community with the information that they want! We’re so excited with the interest thus far and will continue to be community minded to give the most up to date information as soon as we have it!

About Mogul Productions (Mogul)

Mogul Productions is a decentralized film financing (DeFiFi) and NFT platform that connects creators, movie fans, and film financiers in one space to ensure the best films get made by giving everyone a voice. By leveraging blockchain technology and a tokenized system, Mogul incentivizes participation and rewards engagement. Using the Mogul in-app payment and utility token (STARS), users can vote on, greenlight and participate in key decision-making aspects of production. Mogul’s production team and advisors are award-winning Hollywood veterans who have written, directed, acted in, and produced a wide range of films and TV shows.

