Power Editor for Bitbucket now supports reStructuredText (RST)

Mohammed Davoodi
Mohami Blog
Published in
Aug 14, 2017

One of our highest requested features was supporting RST rendering and preview within the editor. After a month or two of development and black magic, we’re now proud to announce that Power Editor for Bitbucket now supports previewing RST!

The Power Editor at work rendering an RST file.

From now on all files with the extension .rst will support rendering within the editor. Just click the preview button.

You can get the new version of Power Editor for Bitbucket Server here.



Mohammed Davoodi
Mohami Blog

CEO @Soteriaio, Formerly Founder & CEO @Mohamicorp (Acquired by Appfire), Flight Software Engineer @SpaceX, Software Developer @Amazon, @virginia_tech Alumni