Personal Update

Erkin Ünlü
Mohikanın Günlüğü
2 min readAug 27, 2015

Hi everyone,

You may have noticed that I returned back to writing in English. You may have also noticed that I returned back to writing itself :). The thing is there are some major changes that I need to write off and I’m glad to be back to writing again. (I will most certainly continue writing in Turkish as well by the way)

So If I did not count wrong, there are three big changes on the way for me. Let’s start with respect to the importance of each change.

I quitted my job at Monitise MEA where I was currently a Software Development Manager. I’d worked 3.5 years at Monitise and loved the most part of it. Being a Team Leader and later a Manager was fun, but I had decided that I should continue for a while on the dev path and started looking for something more technical. As a result, I did quit last week and the first week as unemployed was fun (I’m not sure it would continue this way but I don’t plan to stay unemployed for long).


Another one of the changes is that I will be switching lanes in my career. Above I mentioned I’d like something more technical and I did get it. But due to some luck (I’m not sure at this point if it is good luck or bad luck) I will work as DevOps engineer starting September. It will be a really fun job I’m sure and I’ll learn so much on the way but nevertheless I’m kind of switching to a more ops position with this move.


The last and the biggest of the changes is that I’m moving to Dublin, Ireland! I have been thinking about a move to a European capital for one year and I think I am very content that the capital would be Dublin by now. I’ve seen Cape Town, Utrecht and Amsterdam and Berlin on the way and they were really nice cities, but Dublin is my destiny, It seems for now. Leaving Turkey behind, leaving my family and my friends and most importantly getting physically separated from my beloved girlfriend will be the toughest change that I will be facing this year. Fortunately Istanbul and London are only a short flight distance to Dublin.

I will write more about each change and especially about where I will work, but first I need to reach Dublin and start working actually.

Thanks for reading this far : )

