Fantastic 4 years in the IT Industry

Möhsin Khawas
Published in
4 min readOct 4, 2011

This August I completed 4 years in the Software Industry. To celebrate that, I am updating my blog with a post on the points what I learnt, well not in the terms of technical. In terms of experience wise. Overall, from a pass-out Engineer I git transformed into a Software Developer.

The 4 years, had its own ups and down, but on the positive note. I definitely learnt a lot, my whole life changed once I stepped into corporate. The below image has the keywords which mattered in the 4 years, hope you will get the humor in it.

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4 years in IT Industry…


Its real hard to put down everything in words but will try my best to present this. So here are they are:

1. Everything is BUSINESS.

According to me, in the corporate world right from the day 1 it’s all bout business. You are a “Cost To the Company (CTC)”, yes you are a “Cost to the company”. Cost in the sense the company provides you infrastructure, its resources, its techinical knowledge via trainings so that you can be one resource. Company is spending on you to be a resource. So you should be working w.r.t company terms to achieve its goals. The sooner or late you realize this is better.

2. A Project is not bout CODING.

Man, this is kinda a MYTH with many people. Normally many people think developing a software is all bout coding. You are wrong mate. There are other things in a Project such as Requirement, Design and Planning, documentation, Testing, Client Communication and etc which matters a lot. Each and everything has its own importance. Coding is just a part or a phase of the project.

3. COMMUNICATION Skills matters.

Well, its true. Communication skills really matters. The way how you communicate or express your ideas matters. It may be communicating with everyone, with seniors, juniors, clients, management or even with the support guys and in meetings. If you are really having a hard time to communicate yourself, you are in a trouble mate. Step up your efforts as without communication skills or unable to express yourself its real hard to move ahead.

4. Team work WORKS.

Trust me, the concept of “Team work” really WORKS. Its like doing it together, or else its like backing up someone when needed. Lets take an example. Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. So whenever your weakness comes ahead, your teammate will fill it up with his strength. So this how the team work works. With the great team, great results come out. Glad, I got chance to work with awesomest teams and people around. *smiles*

5. Your CLIENT knows your project more than you.

I have heard many times people saying, “My client doesn’t know anything”. Dude, its his project you are doing. He knows what he wants, you are just not getting what he wants. Buckle up, open your mind and work over it.

6. There is no such thing as “DEVELOPER v/s TESTER”.

In my SDLC experience, people differentiate themselves as Developer vs Tester. I don’t know what’s special bout it. May be I missed the point they are talking. But according to me, a QA is also a part of project as a developer, it would be better if the QA is there from start of the project to its end. The QA’s inputs really matters. I don’t know, but people think bout it. Is it good..??

7. ATTITUDE matters.

I can talk on Attitude in terms of pages, gonna keep it short. Definitely ATTITUDE matters in all the terms. You can say, its a way of thinking or an approach you take or on how you take on the things or how you see around. More importantly, taking a positive approach is much appreciated rather than negative, And off course, no one likes whining.

8. Keep increasing your NETWORK.

Importantly, increase your profesional network, by means social networking sites Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook. Its always good to say connected, it helps you professionaly and career wise. Other day, a friend of mine gave an interview to a MNC, after looking his resume, interviewer asked “Do you know Mohsin ?”. My friend was startled, later figured out the interviewer was my ex-colleague and I was an “Ice breaker” for his interview. Guess what, my friend got selected. The point is, it helps directly/indirectly for staying connected.

9. No BIG DEAL, take few LEAVES.

Ha, normally when I got involved with project and work, I typically forget to take any leaves as I start to think by taking leaves it will affect to project. But believe me guys, nothing went wrong when I took couple of short leaves in between projects. Indeed after coming my productivity or concentration increased. Probably taking break from project soothes you. Nothing wrong in taking few leaves.

10. SOLUTION oriented.

After working for few years, my life or approach has taken a solid U turn, all my thoughts or opinion have become Solution oriented. Whenever something comes up, I will be looking for a best solution. Probably the problem solving in IT industry had a major impact in my life.

So thats it, could’ve wrote more, hope this post is good. Let me know your thoughts via comments, also add something which I missed out here.

And yes, I am really happy and satisfied over the work over the last 4 years, it not only got me to learn so many things, also I really met and worked with great people



Möhsin Khawas

iOS & OS X Engineer @ Bay Area. Arsene Wenger. Gooner. PS4. Metal n Petrol Head. BMW. Sunset Chaser. In pursuit of next, trying to make a dent. الحَمْد لله‎