2023: Our Journey to MainNet Launch

MOI Technology
MOI Technology
Published in
5 min readFeb 28, 2023

Progress Made

2022 was a year of improvement and success for Sarva Labs. In the past year, we’ve converted dreams and ideas into core technological features of a fledgling new protocol. The accomplishments of the past 12 months have set up the year ahead as the most pivotal that our company may ever see, one that will introduce the first proof-of-context consensus mechanism to the world.

Making Web3 simple, secure, and sustainable has always been our main priority. In 2022, we launched our first testnet, proved the underlying technology, and generated meaningful revenue with the launch of our key enterprise offering — ZenZee. This Web3 infrastructure as a service product has been embraced by a diverse range of industries, leading to significant business growth and expansion. In 2022, Sarva Labs onboarded business partners such as GAYN Capital, Mint Valley, Automation Technical Advisory Group, BENNFT, and others. The services we provided in 2022 to these enterprises ranged from asset fractionalization to donor management, from the creation of a digital asset marketplace to supply chain management and included the creation of proof of charity tokens for the conservation of wildlife.

Media coverage of our INDUS testnet, as well as applications running on it, such as Mint Valley, appeared in publications including Financal Express, YourStory, MSN, Enterprise IT World, Crypto News Point, ELE times, Web2, My Big Plunge, and Digital Notice, and reached more than 1 million people.

The Year Ahead

Our plan for 2023 is to advance our technology, expand our community of validators and developers, and partner with businesses and leaders in industries across the globe.

2023 begins with the launch of “Babylon” on March 24, our second testnet. Babylon is a leap forward for not just Sarva, but the entire Web3 industry. The world’s first context-aware protocol, Babylon’s consensus mechanism will unlock the core capabilities of the MOI protocol, including native execution of logic and the creation of personalized assets.

Babylon’s launch marks the next phase in the development of MOI. As we iterate, problem-solve, and incorporate feedback from developers to finalize the form and function of our novel consensus mechanism, we look forward to the eventual incorporation of Babylon into the MOI mainnet proper. Babylon’s next iteration, released as Babylon v2 in the months after March 22nd, will introduce compatibility with COCOlang, a language built specifically for digital assets and contextual computation. COCOlang will add value for developers and adopters by making the MOI network more secure and auditable, as well as supporting PISA interaction flexibility.

Later in 2023, the proof-of-context blockchain will become part of our third testnet, Giza. Giza will build from the capabilities of INDUS and Babylon by adding reputation staking on the network to provide sybil resistance and enhance cryptographic security. Babylon and Giza represent public launches of core components of the MOI blockchain, revolutionary and novel changes to existing Web3 Layer0 and Layer1 protocols.

Finally, we are preparing to follow upon the release of Giza with our ICO, launching a native token for the MOI protocol. On the MOI network, users will have numerous intuitive options to pay for use of network resources, including with our native token. MOI’s ICO, along with the release of Babylon and Giza, will bring us to the doorstep of the public release of the MOI mainnet.

Our Goals

Our goals for technological advancement are matched by equally ambitious efforts to add enterprise customers, build a community of validators and developers, and generate revenue. In 2023, our current conversations with leaders in the fields of banking, consulting and advisory services, automotive manufacture, agribusiness, apparel, and more, will be converted into lasting revenue generating partnerships.

We will continue our efforts to build the MOI Nation program, which launched on 25th November 2022 in prominent universities, adding 1200+ IOME users in just 5 days. In 2023, MOI Nation will introduce a growing base of university students to provide a readymade customer base for enterprise adopters, interest innovative developers to bring new use cases to MOI, and create and spread brand awareness.

In 2023 we will welcome new enrollees in the MOI Shakti program, a mentor-led program to empower female CEOs in Web3. We will also run multiple cohorts for the MOI Fellowship program, which allocates grant funds to help developers build applications for the MOI network. Those developers not eligible for or not awarded fellowships will still have access to the MOI Startup Adopter program, which provides mentorship in concept design, engineering, and business development to participants generally. In 2023, we are also launching new programs including the MOI Ambassador program, which will select a talented cohort to educate and engage with users, influencers, and developers about MOI. By the end of the year, we expect to have a vibrant community of thousands of developers building applications for MOI. We anticipate these efforts will lead to a thriving community of at least 500 individual operators running more than 5000 validator nodes by our mainnet launch.

And as ever, we will be hard at work improving the underlying technology of MOI, including:

Adopter Stories

  • Implementing the next JS stack and ZKP Halo migration on IOME, our digital identity management application, and integrating social login interaction with ZKP methodology and IOME state management on the MOI chain.
  • Launching a curated storefront and multi-market support for the Mint Valley NFT marketplace that will support mobile applications and interoperability across metaverses.
  • Incorporating native sharing of files to our decentralized storage network, MoiBit — metadata
  • Integrating a global, scalable content-addressed p2p database with IAM capabilities

Protocol Stories

  • Expanding Babylon to enable execution of asset-based logic such as minting and burning
  • Creating capability for upgradeable logics to be executed in on-chain environments
  • Developing PISA runtime for the execution of logic operations on the protocol
  • Introducing Senatus subprotocol implementation on GIZA to enable proof-of reputation and reputation-based voting for cryptographic security and sybil resistance
  • Launching a file management subsystem outside of permissioned enterprise networks
  • Building Forage (Syncer) subprotocol improvements.
  • Compiling COCOlang to better support creation of digital assets and PISA stability
  • Incorporating native execution of read and write files on Giza.

Next Steps

2023 will see our team launch a disruptive Layer1 protocol that introduces the world to a proof-of-context blockchain powered by a fundamentally unique computational model. The growing capabilities of the MOI network will position us to serve people and businesses by providing decentralized file management, data provenance, privacy and regulatory governance, and so much more. This year will challenge our team to implement and launch new technologies, grow our community, and establish our vision as the future of Web3. In the longer-term, beyond 2023, we look forward to improving our logic-based execution environment, introducing a concurrent processing model that enables high-throughput by using multi-party computation, and incorporating AI enabled context-management. We couldn’t be more excited about our future and the year to come.

About MOI

MOI is the world’s first context aware protocol. The MOI aims to empower users to control their own preferences and explore the internet with greater freedom and autonomy. MOI’s user-focused framework elevates user ownership and unchangeability of data, to ensure that every user counts!

We look forward to involving community into our Journey. Join our Telegram, Discord, Twitter communities and interact with us right away!

Reference links

  1. MOI Website: https://www.moi.technology/
  2. MOI Validators: https://validator.moi.technology/
  3. MOI Papers: https://info.moi.technology/

Author Credits: Anantha Krishnan

