Step by step guide to claim your free MOI-ID / MNS (MOI Name Service) on IOME

MOI Technology
MOI Technology
Published in
5 min readJul 21, 2023


Step by step guide to claim your free MOI-ID on IOME’s MOI Name Service (MNS) and step into the world of humanized digital interactions. Connect your zero-knowledge IOME wallet, verify your identity, search for your preferred MOI-ID, and claim it with ease. Customize your profile and become part of the decentralized web, where user ownership and control are paramount. Embrace the power of MOI and join the future of web3 with personalized and secure interactions.


Welcome to the world of MOI, the revolutionary context-aware blockchain that prioritizes user-centric interactions! We are excited to announce the launch of our highly anticipated MOI Name Service (MNS) that allows you to claim your unique MOI-ID for free. In this step-by-step guide, we will walk you through the process of claiming your personalized MOI-ID on IOME.

Step 1: Access IOME Website

To begin the process, visit our official website at You will be directed to the MNS claim page, where you can initiate the claim process for your unique MOI-ID.

Step 2: Search for your desired username

In order to claim your MOI-ID, you need to search your desired username by clicking on the “Check Availability” button. If you don’t have an IOME wallet yet, you can easily create one by following the instructions on the website in a wizard style.

Step 3: Tweet for claiming the username

In order to claim your MOI-ID, you need to search your desired username by clicking on the “Tweet Now” button.

After clicking on Tweet Now tweet should be out from your twitter account. Copy the tweet URL for the next step of the wizard.

Paste your tweet link URL to the given dialogue box and click on Claim Now.

Step 4: Create your free MOI ID on IOME

Choose your password as per suggested crieteria givn on the page and click on checkbox of “I understand IOME cannot recover my password disclaimer and click on “Continue” to next step.

Step 5: Secret Recovery Phrase of your Zero Knowledge Wallet

As this is not a common account creation but a blockchain based wallet creation as well so this step is very important to make sure that you either store your secret recovery phrase in a secure place because as in previous step you noticed that IOME can not recover your password so keep in mind that you are the only one who have access to your wallet and assets on MOI.

Secure your Secret Recovery Phrase and carry on with confirmation in next step by clicking on “I’ve copied” or click on “I’ll do it later->” so that you can secure it in future. That’s it and you will lend to your personalized digital identity protocol by clicking on disclaimer checkbox and clicking on “Create IOME account”

Step 6: Verify Your Identity

As part of our commitment to security and authenticity, we require all users to verify their identity before claiming their MOI-ID. Don’t worry, this is a one-time process, and it ensures the integrity of our network. Simply follow the on-screen instructions to complete the verification. Click on Verify KYC/KYB as Individual or Business as fits to your criteria.

Step 7: Customize Your Profile

Now that you have your MOI-ID, make it truly yours by customizing your profile. Add a profile picture, a short bio, and any other personal information you wish to share with the MOI community. Your profile represents you in the digital world, so feel free to express yourself!

Step 8: Engage in a Humanized Internet

With your MOI-ID in hand, you are now part of the humanized internet powered by MOI. Interact with others, participate in decentralized applications, and explore a world where digital interactions are personalized and secure. Welcome to the future of web3!


Congratulations on successfully claiming your free MOI-ID / MNS on IOME! We hope this step-by-step guide has made the process smooth and enjoyable for you. Embrace the power of MOI and join us in shaping a decentralized web that prioritizes user ownership, control, and humanized interactions. Together, let’s unlock new possibilities in the world of blockchain technology and beyond!

About MOI

MOI is the world’s first context aware protocol. The MOI aims to empower users to control their own preferences and explore the internet with greater freedom and autonomy. MOI’s user-focused framework elevates user ownership and unchangeability of data, to ensure that every user counts!

Stay connected with MOI on our official channels to xplore the endless potential of the context-aware blockchain.

Telegram Group | Telegram Announcement | Discord | Twitter | MOI Website | Instagram | YouTube | IOME Website | IOME Twitter

Reference links

  1. MOI Website:
  2. MOI Validators:
  3. MOI Papers:

