Meet Our New MHWOW Program Manager, Josh Traulsen!

Josh Traulsen
Moishe House Without Walls
2 min readFeb 13, 2018

On January 15th, MHWOW added a new Program Manager to the team. Meet Josh “Trolly” Traulsen!

Josh is here to help you brainstorm program ideas, solve mintranet issues, process reimbursements, and find Jewish resources! Josh will be specifically working with our Resident Alumni, AKA anyone who lived in a Moishe House in North America. Here’s a little more about Josh…

Josh “Trolly” Traulsen, MHWOW Program Manager

Hometown: Phoenix, AZ
Current City: Encinitas, CA (Paradise)


Astrological Sign & why you identify with it
Scorpio—According to google I should love these things: Underground music, spicy food, an air of danger, one-of-a-kind objects, wireless devices, organic ingredients, and vinyl. All of these are true except for one. . .

If you could be in any TV show as a character, which show and what character?
Star Trek, The Next Generation— Commander Will Riker. He always gets to have the fun adventures and ends up in all kinds of weird situations. Also, his beard game is on point.

First AIM screen name & why your 10 year-old self chose it
JesusWasJewish88— Always stirring the pot from an early age

Favorite Jewish holiday
Shabbat, it happens every week! It is a great way to reset and focus for the coming week.

Favorite MH Event
Moishe House Phoenix (where I lived) hosted a Sukkot party each year. We would hire bartenders, a DJ, get catered food, and celebrate the holiday in what I am pretty certain is the largest Sukkah in the country, if not the universe (1600sqft).

