Purim Celebrations across the Globe!

Leah Jalfon
Moishe House Without Walls
3 min readMar 14, 2018

MHWOW hosts put on over 50 programs to celebrate Purim this year!

You gave Mishloach Manot, put on silly costumes, and baked LOTS of hamentaschen. Here are a few we wanted to share!

Purim Food Baskets for the Homeless Shelter

Shani Aharon, Worcester

Shani Aharon, Worcester, February 2018

“Eating food, drinking wine, and making food baskets for a local homeless shelter. We made 50 food boxes overall!”

Queens: Esther, Beyonce, Elizabeth, and Sheeba

Samantha Levinson and Oz Fishman, Budapest

“Queens. May we know them. May we love them. May we be them. Purim is a celebration of Jewish female leadership — what other powerful women leaders can we honor on the Shabbat that falls between International Women’s Day and Purim? We will celebrate the “queens” in our lives with a traditional Persian Shabbat dinner and discuss the importance of elevating and supporting the women leaders in our lives just as Mordechai did and just as thousands of people are doing as the #MeToo movement gains traction.”

Samantha Levinson and Oz Fishman, Budapest, March 2018

Purim Positivity

Shany Yeshanov and Alex Goldsmid, San Diego

Shany Yeshanov and Alex Goldsmid, San Diego, March 2018

“Jewish Culture, Jewish Holidays, AND Jewish Learning — all in one event! Come learn about Purim and Positivity and how these two intertwine. We all know that part of Purim is all about giving food to your friends. What is the benefit of feeding my friends, you might ask? It helps me create a positive community. What other things do you do for your friends that increase positivity? What are some things that you do for yourself that increase your positivity?”

Shany Yeshanov and Alex Goldsmid, San Diego, March 2018

Purim! A sensory megillah exploration!

Yael Roberts, London

“A Purim megillah reading with different kinds of activities between each chapter of the megillah, such as art, music, and drama.”

Yael Roberts, London, February 2018

Purim — Celebrating and Exploring Alcohol Consumption in Judaism

Gal Andres, Claremont

“This is a mixed Jewish holiday and learning event. First of all, who doesn’t want to celebrate Purim?! With that, I want to explore alcohol in Judaism. It is a big part of many holidays, but why? What does it mean? How can we consciously consume it and allow it to heighten or connection with holidays, people, and the world?”

Purim Misloach Manot

Talya Frankel, Jerusalem

“Friends will come over to make ‘oznei haman’ and prepare misloach manot to hand out to friends as it is one of the Purim mizvot.”

Talya Frankel, Jerusalem, February 2018

We hope all of you queens and kings had a wonderful Purim!

— The MHWOW Team



Leah Jalfon
Moishe House Without Walls

Lover of movie trailers, cheese (both literal and figurative), and Moishe House.