Welcome to MojoAcademy!

Published in
3 min readJan 24, 2022

Updated July 26th, 2022

Spearheaded by Group A MojoHeads artist Jessica Moore, this project is an extension of the MojoHeads mission to elevate artists, like you!


As you may know, 20% of all MojoHeads sales and proceeds are deposited into the community Mojo Art Fund to be reinvested in artists! After brainstorming with MojoHeads project creator Moby, he and Jessica collectively decided to take this mission of helping artists a step further by creating an entire ecosystem designed to help onboard new artists into the exciting, challenging, and dynamic world of NFTs! Thus, with much excitement, MojoAcademy was created!

What is MojoAcademy?

MojoAcademy began when Jessica initially expressed concerns to Moby that she was aware that artists are struggling financially to afford the rising costs associated with minting NFTs. Her fear was that the high cost of gas, or GWEI, creates a barrier for entry into NFTs for many artists across the globe. If artists cannot afford to pay gas to mint their art as NFTs, they are unable to take advantage of an incredible opportunity to share their art with the world in an immutable way. And, they are missing out on an opportunity to make a living from their art.

Jessica had also expressed concerns of access to educational resources to help artists learn about NFTs and navigate this very complex and challenging technological world of digital art. Artists consistently approached her, asking questions about how to get started with NFTs, however, due to time limitations and not always being able to respond to every question or request for resources, she wanted to create a central hub in the MojoHeads Discord server where all of these resources could be found and managed.

MojoAcademy aims to help artists overcome these obstacles, in an effort to help them truly thrive within the world of NFTs! But wait, there’s more! Read below for the full scope of all the amazing benefits that MojoAcademy aims to provide for artists within the loyal MojoHeads discord community and beyond!

Since its inception, MojoAcademy has changed slightly to fit the needs and wants of the community, however, this project remains as a one-stop resource for artists as well as anyone looking for extra guidance.

What will MojoAcademy Provide?

~ A dedicated category within the MojoHeads discord called MojoAcademy

~ Within this category will be multiple server channels filled with awesome resources aimed to help artists get started with NFTs, starting from the most basic questions (what is an NFT anyway?), to how to set up your MetaMask wallet, how to start minting your art on various platforms, and dive into technical discussions about wallet security, custom smart contracts and more!

~ Live discussions and events with Jessica and other contributors on Discord, which may include portfolio reviews, AMAs, and discussions with various experts within various sectors of NFT art and technology

Full Recap:

MojoAcademy aims to be artists’ one-stop shop where they can find all the tools and resources they need to break into NFTs! Everything artists need to get started, including financial assistance to help artists mint their works onto various platforms, along with a dedicated chat where they can ask questions and find guidance from Jessica and other knowledgeable contributors!

MojoAcademy is in its infancy stage, and will grow and evolve into what we hope to be a truly invaluable resource for artists. We can’t wait to show you everything we have envisioned for this project!

Please subscribe for more MojoAcademy updates, NFT insight and more!




My name is Jessica and I am part of the MojoHeadsNFT team. I will be writing articles about the MojoAcademy project, including updates and general NFT insight.