Mojo Mortgages
Mojo Mortgages
Published in
1 min readNov 23, 2017


Does the stamp duty change go far enough to address the housing crisis?

Has the government missed the point?

The general consensus appears to be that the initiative will do little to help those struggling to buy.

We asked a few of our customers what they thought. Claire from Macclesfield recently bought her first home.

‘We saved for years to be able to get on the property ladder. We spent £200,000 on our first home and paid £1,500 in stamp duty. The main issue was saving up a deposit, house prices are just way too high so saving a decent deposit took ages. The stamp duty wasn’t really the issue’

Since the announcement thousands of people have taken to social media voicing similar views.

In addition, the change in stamp duty doesn’t appear to get to the heart of a major issue in the housing market with many existing homeowners struggling to move up the property ladder. This in turn means there are less houses suitable for first time buyers.

Whilst the government’s decision has been seen by some as a step in the right direction, many people feel much more could be done and are calling for a more thorough review of the housing market….

