10 tips to convince customers to buy from your business

10 tips to convince customers to buy from your online business

mojoVerse: The Business Weekly


There are a thousand and one businesses online. Just having a product to sell isn't enough. You also need to cultivate the art of selling.

Just like a salesperson will have some tricks up their sleeves to get that purchase in! We are here to help you with 10 tips that can help you convince the customer to complete a purchase with you.

1. Benefits NOT features

You can go on and on about how awesome your product is in your product description, but if the reader does not understand WHY they should be happy about your product — you've lost them.

Christensen’s theory of job explains this behaviour. A customer buys a product if it can “get a job done”. For example, a floor cleaner says they are “made with the best quality of biocides and fungicides”. Would that convince you to buy the product, or would it be — “Gets even the toughest of rust stains out from your tiles”

2. Product reviews and testimonials

An online store does not have the luxury of having a salesperson describe the pros and cons of the products. This is where reviews and testimonials act as social proof.

An eCommerce trust survey done by Instamojo showed that 49% of buyers would only complete a purchase from a D2C brand if there were enough reviews of the product.

3. Overshare

This is not your dubious speed dating app where oversharing may be seen as troublesome. For a customer — details matter. do not keep the customer in the dark, especially about hidden charges.

Make sure you tell elaborate on these things:

  1. Terms and conditions
  2. Privacy Policy
  3. Shipping Policy
  4. FAQs

4. Utilise FOMO

FOMO has been a successful driver of human behaviour for aeons. For business owners, FOMO can be a major reason for purchases, especially impulsive ones.

Emphasize why the customer is going to miss out if they don’t buy your product.

Some hacks are to have a flash sale, offer exclusive and personalised limited-time discounts and promote trendy products that might go out of stock soon.

5. Jargon is a no-no

You don't need to sound smart to be a good business person. Avoid using technical jargon or complex terminologies.

Just talk about the benefits of your product in a simple language that your target audience would understand.

6. What is your USP?

When you decide on a product that you want to sell, you would first need to come up with a unique selling proposition.

What is that? Well, it highlights and focuses on that ONE reason why your product is better than a competitor. It could be how it’s made, its durability, the materials used etc.

Do you know what USP acts as an excellent sales pitch? Your brand story.

7. Target a niche

Everybody will not want what you are selling. Different people have different pain points and desires. Identify a segment of the population that will specifically relate to your product and its benefits.

Happily Ever Laughter, an Instamojo online store, sells merchandise to a very niche audience: the armed forces community.

Happily Ever Laughter — An Instamojo online store

8. Offer options

Offering more than one product variation to the customer increases the chances of them buying your product.

You need to hit that sweet spot between offering enough options and avoiding too many options that overwhelm the customer.

Remember — You shouldn't force/push the customer into choosing a certain something. Let them decide what they would want.

9. Create relevant content

In this age of information, coming across as someone who knows what they are doing is crucial. If you can create valuable content for your target audience, then it becomes easier for you to convince them to buy from you. Content marketing sets you up as a leader in your field and as someone who is authentic and genuine.

For eg: If you are selling gaming products, then having a blog about the latest updates in the gaming world can help with brand recall within a community that shares those interests.

Start by sharing these tips with your fellow business owners. Tweet this.

10. Build a brand

It takes time to build a brand. A brand that customers trust does not need to be an expensive affair. Consistent efforts at crafting value, being more present and vocal on social media, and selling quality products with integrity are a few essentials.

With a eCommerce platform like Instamojo, your business can gain visibility, credibility and efficacy. Start selling online at no cost with your own free online store.



mojoVerse: The Business Weekly

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