Increase Your Online Store Sales with These Simple Tips
mojoVerse: The Business Weekly
5 min readJun 22, 2019

Do you have an online store on Instamojo but find it a little tough to make any sales? We have your back! Here are a few tips to help you get started and improve your Instamojo online store sales.

The Instamojo online store is the fastest way for any business to set up shop. If you’re selling comics, artwork, cakes, or just potatoes, this product is the easiest way to start making money online. Currently, we have more than 60,000 online stores on Instamojo selling unique products.

But how do these businesses make money? How do they get more people to shop and increase their Instamojo online store sales? How can you maximize your sales and start making money with your store? Listed below are some simple methods that can help you get started.

Essentially, there are two ways to market your Instamojo online store:

  1. The Organic Method — where you spend no money, but you spend time. This method takes a while but is the best way to acquire loyal customers
  2. The Paid Method — the more money you put in, the more impressions/visibility your store gets. This varies across different channels.

Simple organic ways to pump up Instamojo online store sales:

Be Social:

If you sell physical goods, you can start by showing off your products. Beautify them, pose them, take nice pictures and post it on social media. You can identify any social media as your focus channel. Instagram usually works best for physical products.

Build an online community and create business pages across your social media. Don’t forget to put a link in the bio to your Instamojo online store. Here’s a nice example of an Instamojo seller’s Instagram page.

[caption id=”attachment_9930" align=”aligncenter” width=”1024"]

An example of Instamojo online store ‘What Knot’s social media page on Instagram.[/caption]

Use your favorite social media account to post regularly, to update new features of your products or to simply engage with your audience. Here are some pointers to help get more customers to and increase Instamojo online store sales

  • Make attractive posts with free design tools like Canva. They have easy to edit templates and free.
  • Upload high-quality photos with engaging captions. You can get free stock images from websites like, Pixabay, etc.
  • Ask your audience questions related to your product. For example, if you are an accessories brand, ask your audience what their weekend attire would be.
  • Run contests, quizzes, and polls.
  • Post relevant content on your social media.
  • Use trends — seasonal and topical in context to your products.

Offer discount codes to your customers:

Did you know over 92% of customers use discount codes while shopping? Discount codes attract more customers to your online store and this way, you have more potential buyers for other items in your store. Most online visitors will be curious to know if you have other offers and will look around before making a purchase.

BONUS: See how PrintOctopus grew their sales by 30% on their Instamojo Online Store

Approach local influencers:

It’s not every day you can get a celebrity to talk about your product. Good news is, they are easy to find! Influencer marketing for your Instamojo online store is an ideal way to get new customers to come to visit your Instamojo online store. If you want to sell better and gain more followers, customers, and buyers, you need to find and partner with an influencer. They will recommend your products to their audience.

Here, the influencer markets his shoe brand to his followers while subtly weaving content around it.

Don’t shy from referral marketing:

A smart way an uncommon way to get customers to come to your online store are through referral marketing. Get your customers to refer a friend (word of mouth marketing). Ask your initial group of followers to spread the word about your Instamojo online store in exchange for goodies.

Use WhatsApp actively!

You have to be where the people are. Join WhatsApp seller groups and share your Instamojo online store links on the group. Here is a practical guide to sell on WhatsApp easily for Indian sellers.

Basic paid marketing methods for your Instamojo online store:

Work with Google Adwords:

Once your online store gets the initial attention it deserves, it would do good to advertise your store on Google Ads. Invest a small amount of money to create and run campaign ads with keywords to increase your ranking on Google. With Google ads, if your user searches for ‘ black scarf for winter…’ and you sell black scarves, your online store should pop up in the results. Read our detailed guide on how to get your Instamojo online store to rank on Google.

Use Facebook Ads:

Similar to Google AdWords, with Facebook ads, you can generate targeted campaigns to attract Likes, make sales, and promote your brand. Like Facebook, you can make good use of Instagram ads too. Instagram ads help you target very specific audiences to see your posts, and control how much you spend, how long the ad runs, etc.

For starters, you can simply “boost” posts you’ve already shared on Instagram and Facebook to get more reach. Facebook and Instagram help you by automatically creating a target audience similar to your current followers.

Beyond boosting posts, you can also create ads optimized to highlight your products, such as carousel ads.

Optimise your SEO to bump up your Instamojo online store sales:

Your online store has to receive traffic in order for purchases to happen. The key to generating traffic? Search engine optimization. By incorporating SEO keywords into your product titles and descriptions, your site is more likely to rank higher in search engine results. The increased visibility is the key ingredient for greater site visits and more conversions.

Did you know Instamojo has an advanced SEO settings option in-built to help your online store rank higher? Check it out!

Here are a few actionable tips for making your site SEO-friendly:

  • Use SEO tools to find keywords that have high-enough monthly search volumes and low enough keyword difficulty for your site to rank.
  • Type in SEO keywords you’re considering adding to your product pages to see which results you’ll be competing for.

Up your email marketing game:

In the age of instant messages (SnapChat, Whatsapp or Slack), why would people be interested in emails? Simple, people check emails because they all have one! Email marketing tactics have resulted in a median ROI of about 122%, which means more conversions, which means more sales!

If you are new to the email marketing game, don’t worry. Use Instamojo’s MailChimp tool to send bulk emails to your dropped off buyers and engage with them via email. Send product updates, leverage on your content and make sure you engage your audience with exciting offers and products.

Here are some more tips on how to attract more people to your Instamojo online store.


mojoVerse: The Business Weekly

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