5 Tips on How to Get Through the Semester!

Tadaija Woodside
MOKA Digest
Published in
2 min readNov 4, 2020

Are you stressed during midterms? Are you feeling unmotivated? Calm down, take a deep breather. Let’s not worry; let’s close all the tabs in our brains for a bit.

I’m not sure about anyone else, but I’ve been feeling a little bit drained. With all that’s happening in today’s world, personal life issues, and to top it off school and the amount of work we have to do for school. How can a person honestly take care of themselves when they feel like their world is falling apart? S T O P everything. Lock yourself in your room and calmly go over everything that’s been weighing you down. Think of solutions that protect your energy at all costs. For example, if it’s an object or accessory, it is beneficial? If it’s a job, it’s convenient? It would be best if you didn’t let anything or anyone refrain from focusing.

Here are five things I do that allow me to take time to focus on myself and also get my school work done:

A young women sitting in study hall on her phone and labtop.

1. Take Social Breaks:

Social media can take a toll on your mental health, and with all that’s going on in the world, it’s hard to detach yourself from all the news. It becomes a burden at times.

2. Meditation:

Meditating can be very helpful to people with a thousand tabs open in their minds. Find ten free minutes where you can sit in pure silence, without a care in the world. (here’s a link to a meditation soundtrack I often use: https://youtu.be/PIWmKZZ33SA)

3. Find Someone to Talk to:

During stressful times like this, we need all the help we can get. All the support that is offered, please accept it. It feels nice to know that you’re not alone. It’s okay to reach out to classmates.

4. Work on Time Management:

Usually, I hardly remember anything. My friends can tell me something, and 5 minutes later, I forget what they said, lol. I started looking for my assignments and doing them early or making reminders on days that I’m free to do most of them.

5. Listen to Soothing Music:

Studying and doing work in complete silence sounds very bland; it makes you tired and bored. As soon as I put on a few tunes and get in my zone, no one can interrupt me from focusing. I recommend soft music, a playlist that you can listen to that helps you stay on task.



Tadaija Woodside
MOKA Digest

Tadaija Woodside is a Freshman Psychology Major at Spelman College. She is from Miami, Florida. An interesting fact about Tadaija is that she loves dogs.