Fueling America’s Next-Generation of Conscious Consumers

Moka Origins
Moka Origins
Published in
3 min readOct 18, 2019

Cultural Phenomena:

From the boy scouts of America to the numerous regional opportunities, adventure-based summer camps provide a fertile training ground for effective leadership.

The significant cultural phenomenon — adventure-based summer camps — has long fostered a spirit of confidence, discipline, resilience, and empathy that is integral to professional success. Families around the world send their kids to adventure camps so they can discover new skills and fully embrace the moment by delighting in the physical challenges of raw, brute nature.

Basking in the glory of nature does more than temporarily delight one’s spirit. As articulated by American philosopher Henry David Thoreau, “I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to confront only the essential facts of life.” This deliberate consciousness can be fostered amongst camp counselors — fun, flexible, and creative leaders who empower future generations.

Fueling the Leaders of Tomorrow:

As a leader in humanitarian focused, small-batch chocolate and coffee, we believe that successful community empowerment efforts result from strong partnerships. Our recent pilot of the Moka Origins’ Camp Membership Program, is an extension of our empowerment efforts and our “Buy Moka, Change a Life” mission. This mission lies at the foundation of our company and invests in cacao and coffee farming communities to aid in building local infrastructure, offering vocational training, and linking farmers to markets.

Co-Branded Camp IHC Blend

This summer, we piloted our Camp Partnership with two private kids summer camps in the Poconos valley, Northeast Pennsylvania. Given the unprecedented success of our Camp Membership Program, one of the partners — Camp IHC — requested to private-label its exclusive Moka Origins Blend, and brand it as “the coffee that takes you back to camp.”

Camp Coffee Serving Stations

Moved by our core mission, Camp IHC invited us to incorporate our Moka Origins’ Camp Stations as a regular amenity for their camp counselors. These Camp Stations integrate our core missions and redefine the conscious consumption of chocolate and coffee at camp.

Leveraging the Camp IHC summer camp as influential training grounds for consumer mindfulness, the Camp Stations set a benchmark for consuming premium quality camp coffee with a consequential humanitarian impact. Our stations, with their bold and meaningful design, invites one to engage with our signage to learn about our philanthropic efforts and social mission.

With this subtle, yet constant exposure to Moka Origins’ socially conscious mission, we hope to inspire camp counselors and future consumers to consider the various humane and ethical factors behind their next chocolate or coffee purchase.

Additionally, before unveiling the official Moka Origins-Camp Experience in summer 2020, Camp IHC has invited us to collaborate at their New York workspace for a seasonal Pop-Up in the Upper West Side of New York City.

Our Holiday Promise:

Together, we pledge to make this holiday season about living deliberately and consciously consuming. Join Moka Origins for the grand opening of our Pop-Up Store on November 30th, as we showcase the mission behind our chocolate and coffee, and give New Yorkers exclusive access to our upcoming product expansions.

On American Express’s Small Business Saturday, experience Bean-to-Bar small-batch chocolate like never before. Featuring an exclusive preview to our African Centered Conscious Chocolate Collection.

Dark Chocolate — Featuring Cocoa from the Gola Rainforest in Sierra Leone, West Africa



Moka Origins
Moka Origins

Small-Batch Chocolate and Specialty Coffee. Empowerment Comes in Many Forms — Ours Just Happens to be Delicious