What are crypto-collectibles?

Haley Summers
Published in
4 min readJul 6, 2018

tl;dr. Introduction to ERC-721 and crypto-collectibles. Introduce a new way to make a NFT. What is a moken and how do I make one? Lots of links to outside sources.

Crypto-collectibles are unique digital assets that can be exchanged over the ethereum blockchain. This is accomplished using the ERC-721 standard. ERC-721 is a free, open standard that describes how to build non-fungible or unique tokens on the Ethereum blockchain. While most tokens are fungible (every token is the same as every other token), ERC-721 tokens are all unique. Think of them like rare, one-of-a-kind collectables.

The first and most popular example of these non-fungible tokens are Crypto-Kitties. Other games powered by the Ethereum blockchain are showing the boundless potential, like Decentraland and Etheremon. For those following the World Cup, check out the NFT card trading game Crypto-Strikers. Projects like 0xcert are taking the concept of non-fungibility and origin for the collector community to establish the ownership credentials, and provenance for tangibles. For more NFT projects check here.

What is a moken?

Mokens.io is a new NFT project that allows users to design and create any crypto-collectible directly from the website in a few simple steps. Each crypto-collectible that is made (minted) is a moken and they are stored on the ethereum blockchain. You can create mokens about many different things, the possibilities are endless!

Moken 12, on display here.

Mokens are designed to be used in other people’s ethereum games and systems. Each time a new moken is minted, a new moken id is created and associated with the moken. A moken id is a numeric identifier for a moken. They are created sequentially starting from 0. You will see them as Moken 0, Moken 1, Moken 2, Moken 3 etc. Each moken is unique. It is not possible to have two mokens with the same name. A moken with a similar name as an existing one and that is about the same thing will be labeled as a forgery and a link to the original will be provided.

Mokens are implemented and managed by the Mokens Contract on the ethereum blockchain. The source code for the contract is at this link: Mokens Contract. The following is stored on the blockchain with each moken that is minted:

  • The full moken name.
  • The moken id.
  • The era the moken was minted in.
  • A cryptographic hash of the moken description and image bytes (if any) and moken attributes (if any).

It is not possible to change a moken id or a moken name. So it is not possible to change what a moken is about once it is minted.

Moken 18: First Moken to be sold. Sold on OpenSea.io

What can I do with a Moken?

When you mint a moken you own it. It is yours. You can do what you want with it. You can show it to others, you can sell it, you can trade it, you can get rid of it, you can give it to others. In the future we want you to use your mokens in ethereum games and other ethereum-based systems. Also in the future you will be able to improve the display and information of your mokens by changing the description, image and attributes. Only the moken name and moken id cannot be changed.

Moken’s ultimate flexibility as a NFT will be greatly expanded when the ERC-998 standard for composables is implemented for Mokens. Stay tuned for more updates! Our next Medium article titled “Naming and Minting Mokens” will cover unique naming, minting prices, and Moken Eras.

Unlock your Metamask wallet and join Mokens.io on the Rinkeby testnet!

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