What Mokens Did and How it Suddenly Changed

Nick Mudge
Published in
3 min readMar 18, 2019

Mokens.io was one of the very first dapps that enabled people to create their own cryptocollectibles.

I would say it was the easiest tool for someone to create cryptocollectibles. A person just filled out a short form and submitted a transaction using MetaMask and voila, a new cryptocollectible was born. Over 450 mokens were created this way.

Mokens.io was the first application to implement the Composable Non-Fungible Token Standard, and the first application to implement “upgradeable” cryptocollectibles.

But mokens is changing. Moderation to submitted mokens was added.


The Mokens project is no longer about creating random NFTs.

The purpose of the mokens project is to create valuable cryptocollectibles (mokens) that are traded and collected.

Emphasis on value. Something is a collectible if people want to have it or want to collect it and are willing to pay for it or go through some effort to obtain it.

If a submission for a moken is not deemed valuable enough then it is not published. Only valuable mokens are created.

So what qualifies as a valuable moken?

  1. It has to be known about.
    If nobody knows about it then why would anybody want to collect it? If it is a new art piece from a known artist then that could qualify. If it is a moken about a well known opinion leader or influencer that has half a million followers on the Internet then that qualifies.
  2. It has to be liked.
    Generally people want to collect things that they like. A moken about something specific that many people like will sell. For example a moken about a specific character in a popular fiction story could work.
  3. It has to be specific.
    A moken about “cars” would not fly. Because it is not specific enough. But a specific race car that was used to win a famous race, that could work. “Man” would not fly. But if someone got permission from DC Comics to make a “Superman” moken, that would definitely fly.

There are probably many things that add to the value of a moken and they are all valid.


Mokens.io recently released moderation functionality for moken submissions.

Before a moken is minted and published on the Ethereum blockchain and mokens.io it is moderated.

Moderation ensures that published mokens are valuable and legit.

Tough Legal Moderation Rules

Besides having value mokens must be legit for them to be minted.

Mokens.io is very strict about intellectual property rights. Any submitted moken about something that is trademarked or copyrighted must show evidence that permission was given by the owner of the trademark or copyright for the moken to be created.

Moken creators must obtain permission and show evidence of permission for any persons appearing in images used in mokens. Similarly, moken creators must show evidence of permission when making mokens of things that require a property release.

It is possible to create awesome mokens about popular things if you own what the mokens are about or if you are willing to get the appropriate permission and show evidence of it.

What To Do Now

If you are an artist, writer or content creator, make mokens about your awesome creations and sell them to your fans and to collectors.

If you are a savvy collectibles creator then find awesome things in the world and get permission from the creators or rights owners to create mokens about them. Submit evidence of permission and create the mokens. You can contact me to learn more about this.

If you are a collector then browse the mokens.io website to find gems and buy the ones you want on OpenSea.io or emoon.io or other marketplaces on the Internet.

Whatever you are join the Mokens Discord and say hello.



Nick Mudge
Editor for

Ethereum contract programmer, security auditor and standards author. Author of the diamond standard.