What’s this all about?

It’s about one thing and one thing only — storytelling.

john oparah
MOLDE Journal
Published in
1 min readJun 4, 2017


In the media hubbub that is today, it’s very easy to get lost in the stream of countless things that you just have to digest. It becomes as if everything has a hand, outreached and grasping at the edges of your mind, hoping to catch your attention.

Not only can this be strenuous for you, feeling as if you’re drowning under the weight of it all, but it also means that the true craft of telling a story effectively becomes watered down to a cheap shell of something somewhat resembling coherent comprehension.

Luckily, we don’t agree with that. With MOLDE, we believe not only in the power of words, but in its power to craft powerful storytelling that evokes strong emotions that we can relate to. That’s why this Journal exists. Here, it’s always quality>quantity.

So here, we’ll tell stories. We’ll tell them through whatever medium (that pun wasn’t on purpose) it takes, whether it be poetry, articles or fiction.

We’ll craft. We’ll share. Then repeat.

