Facebook Marketing 2.0

Molecule Group
Molecule Group Newsroom
4 min readJul 31, 2018


In June 2017 Mark Zuckerberg announced that Facebook wants to promote valuable and meaningful connections between people. Declaring the end of golden age for the organic reach, that has dramatically decreased since than.

How do you reach your audience now? When the algorithm has changed so dramatically? Many marketers speculate it would force brands to spend more on paid campaigns. Organic reach cuts tremendously impacted small and medium companies, that couldn’t afford an increase in media budget spend. Leaving us with the question — Is there any other solution?

Perhaps messenger marketing could become a new way of marketing on Facebook?

What are Facebook plans for the future?

Mark Zuckerberg says he wants to bring the world closer together.

I started Facebook to connect my college. I always thought one day someone would connect the whole world, but I never thought it would be us. I would have settled for connecting my whole dorm. We were just college kids. But we cared so much about this idea — that all people want to connect. So we just kept pushing forward, day by day, just like you.

Mark Zuckerberg

To accomplish this, Facebook had made some notable adjustments to its algorithm last year. That’s why you might notice now on your timelines more posts from distant relatives or colleagues from whom you haven’t heard from for years rather than the activities of your favourite brands.

Facebook decision to support meaningful content. Directed us to the point, where posts that are inspiring conversations in the comment section, are achieving more significant reach then posts that are just educational or advertise products.

That made Fanpage moderators go crazy about comments and brought upon us the outburst of engagement baits.

Facebook since began the war against baits, decreasing the reach of posts and pages that practised it repeatedly.

We want to reduce the spread of content that is spammy, sensational, or misleading in order to promote more meaningful and authentic conversations on Facebook, Said:

Henry Silverman, Operations Integrity Specialist at Facebook

The big question

Here raises an inquiry — how do you engage users in the meaningful conversations?

We all have attempted asking direct, open-ended questions in the copy. Still, that hasn’t worked well for most of us. Users need a profit worth of their time before they engage with your content.

How do you make your content more engaging without turning it spammy?

Why not by rewarding active users for their engagement? Add additional value to involvement and appreciate those users, who took an active part in the conversation.

That will encourage users to make an extra effort on your page and will boost organic reach.

What would you say if I told you, you’d receive the discount code for merely answering the easy question in the comment? Would you be interested?

To give you another example:
What if I tell you I would give you some extra materials on the subject, just if you comment below that you want to receive it? Would you do it?

As proven by countless marketers most user would answer — YES (or at least alright)

Here’s where the Messenger platform enters the stage. You don’t want to make your extras public. Everyone would obtain it ten, without engaging with your content. However, you could always send them a private message with the extras as long as they comment your post. Solving the accessibility problem.

Alternatively, just make great content and let the bots take care for the rest!

The part about bots

Now as you made your content valuable and secured further gratification to users, that actively participated in the discussion, the only obstacle that demands to be solved is — how would you reply to all those comments?

You could always do that manually just by clicking reply with the message below the comment.

Or you could let the bots do the work for you! You can automatize the entire process by setting up chatbot to send message to every person, that commented your post. You could do it for example with popular and free software — Chatfuel.

You can use this method as well to grow audience subscribed to your newsletter. Having database of subscribers you could deliver your newsletter directly on their messenger or simply send notifications each time you release now blog post or want to make buzz about latest sellouts.

This way engaged users will always be informed on all your activities and would never miss your posts again despite the algorithm changes.


Facebook keeps working on their greatest project of connecting the world. To be an effective marketer on the platform you need to adapt to the neverending stream of changes that would accompany the process.

Whatever future would bring on us — always aim to make your content as high-value and useful to your audience as possible and try to spark conversations with every post.

Be careful though not to beg for comments or post spammy content to rise your comment rate.
Here is where Messenger bots come in handy, with great solution that lets you appreciate and reward active users with extracts.

Make good use of it!

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Molecule Group
Molecule Group Newsroom

Borderless digital agency. We specialising in digital strategies, communities, content production and beyond.