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Moleculer Usages survey results

Published in
3 min readFeb 22, 2018


A few weeks ago I conducted a survey among the Moleculer users to gain information about how they use Moleculer in their projects. I also asked them to tell why they love it and what they miss.

In brief, most users love Moleculer because it is fast, simple, flexible and it has excellent and up-to-date documentation.

Here is the result of the survey:

How did you hear about Moleculer?

What kind of project do you use Moleculer framework in?

How many services do you have in your major project?

Do you use Moleculer in production?

How many nodes run your services?

What kind of transporter do you use?

What kind of cacher do you use?

What kind of serializer do you use?

Which Node version do you use?

What kind of logger do you use?

Do you use Moleculer Runner?

Which official package(s) do you use?

What kind of database(s) do you use?

What kind of other technologies do you use?

Stay tuned! Follow us on Medium and Twitter, our join the Moleculer community on Gitter chat.




A full-stack javascript developer, founder of Moleculer