Why Molo?

Lynda Blackwell, who has had an impressive career with the FCA, explains why she joined Molo.

Molo Editor
Molo Finance
2 min readMay 23, 2018


Photo by Luca Micheli on Unsplash

Customers in the UK mortgage market have been settling for far too little for far too long.

At the regulator I saw just how the market players operate. Some good. Some not so good. Some positively bad. I’m sure the market really would like to put customer at its heart — but there is baggage and legacy issues and thinking just too entrenched to make that happen.

What’s needed is a clean slate, a fresh start — and here at Molo that’s exactly what’s happening. It’s exciting to be part of bringing the mortgage market into the 21st century and giving customers the service they’ve come to expect in the new ‘on demand’ economy.

Fair products.

Fair prices.

Fast service.

This is what good customer outcomes should look like. I’m proud to be part of bringing this to the UK market.

Lynda Blackwell is a well known and highly regarded mortgage market professional, with over 25 years of industry and regulatory experience, including 16 years at the FCA. She joined Molo as a Non-Executive Director in January 2018.

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