7-Year Olds Hold Families Together

“Joy” is the story of the tragic loss of a wife and mother, and the brave girl who steps up to help her family. Stream it now on MTonomy!

1 min readFeb 21, 2019


Az is a 7-year old girl in a small village expecting a baby sister. Tragically, her mother dies during the birth of her baby sister. Shocked at the loss of his wife, her father unravels, losing his job and running out of money. With nowhere else to turn, it’s up to Az to show strength and care for the whole family.

Joy” is now available to buy and rent with cryptocurrency. Stream it now on MTonomy.com!

Stay tuned for the next release on MTonomy, coming in 24 hours.

P.S. Want to see how you can use cryptocurrency to buy and rent movies? It’s easier than you might think.

