Cosplay Culture

Darth Vader, Lara Croft and Bilbo Baggins are sharing a latte, and you’re note dreaming. You’ve just entered the bizarre and popular world of Cosplay— ”Cosplay Culture” is now streaming on MTonomy!

Timothy Riser
1 min readJun 25, 2019


Darth Vader, Lara Croft and Bilbo Baggins are sharing a latte. Captain America, Superwoman and Naruto are waiting in line for the toilet. No, you’re not dreaming. You’ve just entered the bizarre and universally popular world of Cosplay.

Directed by Jean-Phillippe Brochu

Watch “Cosplay Culture” on MTonomy — now available to buy and rent with cryptocurrency! And stay tuned for our next release, coming in 12 hours.

P.S. Want to see how you can use cryptocurrency to buy and rent movies? It’s easier than you might think.

