MTonomy + Femflix @ SXSW

Published in
1 min readAug 5, 2019

MTonomy and Femflix are going to #SXSW! Well, hopefully. We’ll need your help to get there! Review our joint proposal and cast your vote:

Our proposal title and description:

How is blockchain making Hollywood more inclusive?

It’s no secret that the film industry is not inclusive. Flashback five years and you would remember #MeToo, #OscarsSoWhite, #OscarsSoMale, #FilmHerStory, etc. It’s 2020 now and we are aware that there is a problem. But how do we fix it?

Join two entrepreneurs from opposite ends of the planet, who come together to fix this problem with today’s frontier technologies, such as blockchain, smart contracts, and cryptocurrency.

Arjun Mendhi, a technologist from MIT and CEO of MTonomy, teams up with Samantha Laidlaw, a film industry veteran and CEO of Femflix, in a conversation about how their work in technological innovation is eliminating barriers, creating equal opportunity, and surfacing diverse content to build a fresher and more inclusive film industry of the future.

Voting begins today (8/5) and ends 8/23.


