Taste of Fear

Three people, connected in a sprawling, busy city, are each about to get a taste of fear — ”Taste of Fear” is now streaming on MTonomy!

1 min readJun 7, 2019


Three people, connected in a sprawling, busy city, each about to taste danger. They’re about to taste raw hate and ruthless violence. They’re each about to get a taste of fear. Hanga is a man who’s fled thousands of miles from political violence, only to realize he has become an obsessive avenger. Gwen is the best in the business at what she does, but when someone else’s mistake turns her world upside down, she must use beauty and sensuality to let her slip through a tightening circle. And Peter is a lonely businessman who seems to have uncanny insight into what makes others tick. Maybe he uses this skill for something besides pick-up lines.

Watch “Taste of Fear” on MTonomy — now available to buy and rent with cryptocurrency! And stay tuned for our next release, coming in 12 hours.

P.S. Want to see how you can use cryptocurrency to buy and rent movies? It’s easier than you might think.

