You Are What You Act

How do smiling, good posture, and “fake it til you make it” actually affect us? Featuring interviews with experts in psychology and embodied cognition, ”You Are What You Act” is now streaming on MTonomy!

1 min readApr 10, 2019


Can you really fake it until you make it? What has a greater effect, thinking positive or acting positive? Will smiling make you happier? Will changing your posture make you more confident? Will acting in love save your relationship?

“You Are What You Act” speaks to the world’s leading psychologists in embodied cognition including George Lakeoff, Paul Ekman, Philip Zimbardo and Amy Cuddy, demonstrating that many “psychological” exercises are actually things learned in elementary theatre class.

Did you know that Tom Cruise, Harrison Ford, Kate Winslet, Ryan Gosling and more recently Benedict Cumberbatch and many other action heroes have actually rescued people in real life? Have they become heroes by acting like heroes in their movies? Is acting the next transformational modality?

Watch “You Are What You Act” on MTonomy — now available to buy and rent with cryptocurrency! And stay tuned for our next release, coming in 24 hours.

P.S. Want to see how you can use cryptocurrency to buy and rent movies? It’s easier than you might think.

