Antifa Attack GOP Senator House With Lone Wife and New Born Inside

Josh Hawley’s (R-MO) house attacked by far left goons.

Jack Smith
The Molyneux Post
2 min readJan 6, 2021


Image: Jack Smith // The Molyneux Post

GOP Rep. Josh Hawley (R-MO) had his Missouri home attacked whilst his lone wife and new born were sat inside frightened. Hawley is currently in Washington DC awaiting the January 6th Presidential Election vote count in Congress. Hawley has been one of the front runners in contesting votes in the upcoming Electoral Certification of the un-confirmed ‘victory’ of ‘President-Elect’ Joe Biden.

The Republican lawmaker has faced severe backlash from establishment, swamp GOP and DNC including left-wing media and activists. This backlash stepped over the line when radical Antifa militants held a ‘candle vigil’ outside Hawley’s house.

Said ‘candle vigil’ involved holding signs and screaming through bull horns and mega phones, obscenity and threats, directed at the Missouri suburban property.

The so called ‘Anti-Fascists’ then walked up to the front door of Hawley's property, whilst his Wife and their new-born baby were sat alone frightened inside. Antifa goons proceeded to bang on the door and scream “What do we do? — Stand up fight back!” and “We will occupy this place, this is what democracy looks like.”

Antifa goons also were peering through windows and reportedly attempt to break into the house to “Occupy this place” as one of the goons said.

Josh Hawley commented on the ‘candle vigil’ on Twitter early this morning.

Hawley defended himself as Twitterati leftists attempted to defend this as a ‘peaceful protest’ and ‘candle-vigil’.

In a tweet thread, Hawley also criticised renowned leftist publication, Washington Post, who wrote a fluff piece about the ‘candle vigil’.

President Donald Trump later tweeted out calling Antifa a “terrorist organisation.”

Hawley is also set to go on Laura Ingraham's, ‘Angle’ on Fox News to discuss January 6th and Antifa.

