UK Gov Sources Say a ‘Full’ Lock-Down is Coming

The dystopian pipe dream from the left, is being manifested in Boris.

Jack Smith
The Molyneux Post
2 min readNov 1, 2020


Edit: Jack Smith // Source: Yahoo News

The UK has endured months of draconian lock-down's, small businesses shutting down and media fear mongering. From anecdotal evidence within my local area and from opinions online, the British Public is sick of this overt tyranny displayed by the UK government.

Journalist and commentator, Paul Joseph Watson announced on Twitter that sources from within or close to the UK government are claiming the government will be enacting a ‘full lock-down’.

The sources say it may start from Wednesday 4th November to December 1st.

Paul Joseph Watson, in his tweet, did mention that the details on the lock-down are unconfirmed at the moment.

If this is true, much like in Europe, London and the UK writ large will undoubtedly see mass unrest, violence a riots.

Live Update:

UK prime minister, Boris Johnson has just announced a new 4 week lock-down starting Thursday, a day after the government sources claimed a full lock-down would start.

Overview (via Twitter News):

  • New restrictions have been announced in England
  • From Thursday, people must stay home except for limited reasons
  • Non-essential retail will close, including pubs and restaurants
  • Furlough scheme extended until December
  • Educational institutions, including nurseries, will remain open
  • The rules differ across the UK’s nations
  • England will go back into the three-tier system after this period
  • Johnson says he is “optimistic” this will feel better by the Spring

When Can You Leave Home?

  • for education
  • for work (if you cannot work from home)
  • for exercise and recreation outdoors
  • for medical reasons
  • to shop for food and essentials
  • to care for others

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