Nigel Farage Announces Brexit Party Name Change to ‘Reform UK’

Farage set to rename the Brexit Party in time for May elections.

Jack Smith
The Molyneux Post
4 min readNov 29, 2020


Image: Jack Smith // The Molyneux Post

After successfully archetyping Brexit but losing the 2019 General Election, Nigel Farage announced that he is re-naming and re-launching the Brexit Party to‘Reform UK’.

The logo is still in draft form, but the name ‘Reform UK’ has been sent to the Electoral Commission to rename the Brexit Party. — Reform Party UK (Brexit Party)

In an article released on Nigel’s website, he outlines why the rebrand? and and what he aims to do with the party.

In the headline, he says he wants to re-launch the Brexit Party to help fight “cruel and unnecessary lockdown” here in the United Kingdom.

Nigel also says the party will “take on powerful vested interests” such as,

  • The House of Lords
  • The BBC
  • The way we vote
  • Law and order
  • Immigration

He says the “most pressing issue” currently is the “Government’s woeful response to coronavirus.” He followed up with some remarks on the Governments response.

The “strategy” has been to terrify the nation into submission, coupled with a barrage of lockdowns, rules, regulations and threats. It is all about playing for time, in the hope that a vaccine miraculously comes along.

Still on the point of COVID-19, Nigel criticised Boris Johnson’s COVID response saying, “This is no way to tackle a disease that may be around for a long time, perhaps forever.”

He followed up saying, “The consequences to wider health and the economy have been devastating.” and “Suicides are soaring, from students imprisoned in halls of residence to 88-year-old ladies who cannot see their relatives and naturally wonder: what is the point of life?”.

This is no way to tackle a disease that may be around for a long time, perhaps forever. The consequences to wider health and the economy have been devastating. Suicides are soaring, from students imprisoned in halls of residence to 88-year-old ladies who cannot see their relatives and naturally wonder: what is the point of life?

Nigel also endorsed the Great Barrington Declaration which we reported on a couple of months ago.

Image Taken — October 9th 2020 // The Molyneux Post

The declaration states that current lockdowns are devastating people’s lives and both the Right and Left should agree, lockdowns are harmful.

Coming from both the left and right, and around the world, we have devoted our careers to protecting people. Current lockdown policies are producing devastating effects on short and long-term public health. The results (to name a few) include lower childhood vaccination rates, worsening cardiovascular disease outcomes, fewer cancer screenings and deteriorating mental health — leading to greater excess mortality in years to come, with the working class and younger members of society carrying the heaviest burden. Keeping students out of school is a grave injustice.

Nigel says the Reform Party will endorse and follow the declaration to help stop these draconian lockdowns.

Reform UK is set to run in the May local election in the United Kingdom as well as the 2024 United Kingdom General Election.

Nigel has been an open supporter of President Trump throughout his first term in the White House. Nigel has also stated the President Trump, if he loses, would run again 2024 which would make 2024 an incredible year to look forward too.

Getty Images

Both Nigel Farage running in 2024 in the UK and his close friend, President Trump, running in 2024 in the US is something men only dream of. That is what I call a year, a year of hope that the crony establishment on both sides of the pond will receive a ‘right British arse-kicking’.

One can only hope…

Farage also noted at the bottom of his article that he will remain leader and Richard Tice is the chairman.

Nigel Farage is leader and Richard Tice is chairman of the Brexit Party, to be renamed Reform UK

