The End of Main Stream Media in America is Here

Journalists are leaving, Companies are merging, CNN is being sold.

Jack Smith
The Molyneux Post
Published in
4 min readNov 21, 2020


Jack Smith / The Molyneux Post

With the election results looking worse and worse by the day for Trump, MSM outlets are getting scared and are making moves unusual for companies to do if they did not fear failure and complete collapse.

For the last 4 years media outlets made their entire brand and business model about, “ORANGE MAN BAD!

Despite this being incredibly lucrative, with Twitter, CNN and MSNBC seeing a revenue and traffic increase to their respective platforms after the 2016 election of President Donald Trump, this style of business model’s minimum length of lucrativity was the 1–2 years of campaigning from June 2015 to Trump’s January 2017 inauguration. The maximum length of lucrativity is between 4–8 years depending on if Trump wins re-election.

That is a net 9 and a half possible years that this “Orange man bad” schtick could even be possible. However, the chances of this lasting is very low and the chances are, if Trump wins re-election, the majority of people would get sick of hearing Donald Trump’s name day in day out.

The more conservative estimate is that if Trump wins, the Mainstream Media could continue profiting for another 1–2 years and start to fail during the end of the second year.

Either way, with the election looking slim for a second Trump term, mainstream media seems to be on it’s way out. And Trump TV hasn’t even been announced!

Co-founder of, a far-left MSM outlet, has announced he will be leaving Vox alongside the sites editor in chief, Lauren Williams. This follows the other co-founder of Vox, Mathew Yglesias’ recent resignation.

Fox News’s historic rating record is slowly faltering as ‘slip-ups’ showed the pseudo-conservatism of the company. The company called Arizona for Joe Biden even before any other company did, Tucker Carlson dropped the Hunter Biden — Paedophile, Corruption and Rape Expose, as well as claiming that, Trump lawyer Sidney Powell did not provide evidence for voter fraud and irregularity despite her saying she emailed Fox News offering her expertise in explaining this and providing evidence.

This on top of many other moments, Fox News’ cult-like, conservative — Trump supporting audience has seen the true colours of the Murdoch-owned outlet and many on the right have gone to alternatives like Newsmax who have seen an incredible rating and viewer increase, sometimes even competing with CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, NBC and ABC.

Buzzfeed news is set to acquire The Huffington Post in a stock deal with Verizon Media. Merge’s in media, despite being rare, can often be saviour to a company if it is on it’s way out. This deal however has lead many to think Verizon Media is trying to get rid of the renowned left-wing-partisan site.

If speculation on Verizon trying to rid of HuffPo wasn’t enough, Verizon’s main competitor in the mobile network industry, AT&T, are looking to sell CNN after ‘hit’ from ‘hating trump’. Current data also shows that CNN is in over $150 billion of debt and with the chances of Trump winning the election start to thin, this does not look good for the Clown News Network.

All-in-all pre-Trump media was failing, and they dug their desperate teeth into the meaty, orange legs of Trump — right to the bone — like a perilous wolf, and refused to let go. But their grasp is losing, their jaws are aching and they ceased at every opportunity to diversify their brand before now.

CNN and Main Stream Media at-large is failing, and as sad as it will be to see jobs of genuinely well-intentioned people behind the screen, no one will be in question in why CNN and Main Stream Media will eventually fail.

This will see the rise of Indi-journalism, a movement popularised by people like Tim Pool who, before joining VICE News, livestreamed and covered; the Occupy Wall Street protest, the Arab Springs and much more civil unrest across the world.

Both right-wing and left-wing personalities are growing in popularity as the impending doom of Main Stream Media looms. And independent media seems to be the future.

So get yourself a YouTube and Bitchute channel and starting covering the news with your own ‘expert’ opinion as this trend seems to be what media and news will be in the close and coming future.

