The Sad Truth of Portland’s 80 Days of “Peaceful Protests”.

Jack Smith
The Molyneux Post
Published in
3 min readAug 13, 2020

The Honest Truth About the Portland “Peaceful Protests” Fighting Against the “Storm Troopers” and “Authoritarian Thugs”.

Commercial Grade Fireworks Exploding Next to Police

Since the start of protests worldwide over the supposed “murder” of black man George Floyd, the MSM networks portrayed all the BLM demonstrations as “Peaceful Protests” and “Peaceful Demonstrations”. However this is far from the truth, in fact it is the complete opposite.

The Violence in Portland

For more than 75 days and counting Portland (Oregon) home of the domestic terror group “ANTIFA” has seen violent riots and act’s of terror. Despite the media and the Democrat Mayor and Police Commissioner, Ted Wheeler, portraying Police as “Storm Troopers” and “Authoritarian Thugs” multiple police officers protecting the Federal Courthouse have been permanently injured and 100s injured by IED’s, Mortar Shell Explosives, Commercial Grade Fireworks, Molotov Cocktails, Bricks, Knives, Guns, High Powered Lasers, Fire Accelerants, Glass and many more.

There is no doubt that the Portland Riots have been unmistakable violent acts of terror for 75 days and counting white washed and sugar coated by the Main Stream Media Industrial Complex as “Peaceful Protests”. Even as recent as this week, The New York Times released a “Fact Check” which claimed the “protests” were “largely peaceful”.

Have Any Police Officers Been Injured?

Yes, since July 20th there has been 31 Federal Police officers seriously injured, one of the worst being a Federal Officers getting hit with a sledge hammer to the head and shoulder and 3 federal officers having permanent to long term blindness from the powerful lasers used to blind police. 100s of Feds have been

Are Police Being Violent Against Rioters?

Despite the mainstream narrative DHS and FPS have only been on a defensive position and will only shoot tear gas when the violence gets to a certain point. The head of the DHS in a recent podcast said that the least violent point of the riots is when bricks are being thrown at police.

The Police use defensive tactics like tear gas to help disperse the crowds that are throwing IED’s at police. However a few acts of “Violence” have occurred when Police were being attacked whilst trying to put out fires and remove heaps of trash of the floor they used batons and pepper spray to stop rioters trying to set them on fire.

On the Ground of The Violence Against Police

Andy Ngo (@MrAndyNgo — Twitter) is a popular journalist in the Twitter-sphere and has been reporting on Antifa for many years. Over the last few months Andy has been posting videos, arrest photos and text updates regarding the riot’s in Portland.

Here is the latest from the last 12 hours in Portland.

Antifa and BLM rioters harass Central Precinct staff who simply try to enter the building to do their Job.

BLM and Antifa attacking the federal courthouse with IED’s and other explosives and started fires around the courthouse.

BLM and Antifa burning a Trump Flag and a Pig head wearing a cop hat outside the Justice Centre.

Agitator outside the Justice Centre in downtown Portland condemns peaceful protests, saying “it doesn’t accomplish anything”.

More anti-police sentiment from BlackLivesMatter.

Screenshot of a Far Left “Justice” group still calling for the riots to help abolish the Police and abolish the prisons.

Black Lives Matter organiser says that Looting is “Reparations” for slavery.

Police slash the tires of a truck intentionally blocking the road in downtown Portland at the riots.

Rioters attempt to stop Police arresting domestic terrorists.

A short video released by Molyneux Digital showing footage from the “Peaceful Protests” in the name of George Floyd. [Check Out More Related Videos Here].

