I’m Too Old To Be An Entrepreneur… Right?

Carlton Taylor
Mom Entrepreneurs
Published in
3 min readOct 15, 2014

The world would have you believe that at “your age” you shouldn't be doing what you’re doing. Your friends and family may question “why now?” Even your own inner voice may betray you from time to time and tell you that by now you should have figured out what you wanted to do in life and have been well on your way to achieving it.

How dare you “give up that 9–5, that sure thing that pays your bills and keeps a roof over your head…”

How dare you actually try to live up to your potential…

How dare you desire to be more than a housewife or a mom…

If you’ve been beat down by people who just don’t understand or if you’ve beating yourself up thinking that maybe you’re just too old to be an entrepreneur, take a moment to consider this…

J. K. Rowling (billionaire writer of harry potter), her first Harry Potter book was rejected by 12 publishers and she didn’t sell the first one until she was in her mid 30’s!

Julia Child (super chef) didn’t learn how to cook until she was almost 40 (graduated the Le Cordon Bleu cooking school at 38) and didn’t launch her popular show until she was 50.

Maria. I met her hiking through the mountains of Guarainag, Ecuador. She’s 88 years old and her biz is making straw hats by hand. (Ironically, “Panama hats” are actually made in Ecuador)


Sure, looking back, maybe there are things you would have done differently; choices that you’ve made, decisions that have changed the trajectory of your life. Maybe there were things that were out of your control that’ve had an impact on what you do, think, and feel today. Maybe when you look back on those things, as much as you tell yourself that “there’s no such thing”, deep down inside, you feel a little… regret.

It’s okay. It’s human.

But don’t wallow in it! It’s not about what you did or didn’t do then, it’s about what you’re doing or not doing now! That time that some or even yourself would have thought to be a waste has left you wiser, braver, and better prepared for the adventure that lays ahead. Think of how much more you’ll appreciate the sweetness of success that you’ve had to wait for it.

You’re armed with the courage to take a chance and the support of over 8,500 sister mom entrepreneurs that know your struggle. Don’t take that for granted!

So if you’re having a bad day, or you’ve recently found yourself riddled with self-doubt, take a moment to remember your why, then shake of the negativity, and get back to work.

You’ve got work to do… the world isn’t gonna change itself.

Original art by: @sarahsteenland

Tags: mom entrepreneur, motivation

Originally published at foundingmoms.com on October 14, 2014.

