More Than Both

Ernio Hernandez
Published in
Mar 16, 2021


by Ernio Hernandez

art by Ernio Hernandez © 2021. All rights reserved.
The other night wife, kiddo and I played a ferocious game of cards on the tiniest of tables while sitting on the couch.
After the fog of battle cleared, we began showing the little one how to stack cards into a house.
They kept falling. And it made us laugh.
Harder than we have laughed in a while.
That night at bedtime I pondered with my daughter why there wasn’t a word like “both” for three?
We decided “throth” would do.
[“I ❤️ Throth of us.” stitched into a throw pillow]

art by Ernio

Ernio Hernandez ( is a writer and artist and a killer card shark, kindly do not mess. See his work featured in The New Yorker, Weekly Humorist and Electric Lit.

