don’t quit your day job

Hiram Camillo
Moments and Memories
2 min readSep 6, 2013

Somewhere along the line the question “What do you want to be when you grow up?” became a blur of how can I make money and get out of the house. At 18 my answer was the United Sates Marine Corps- a paid vacation to MCRD San Diego (Boot Camp), a ticket out of the house, a paycheck and a shiny uniform, where do I sign (Literally)!

The recruiter asks, “What job do you want?” I was confused; don’t all Marines jump out of planes, save the world and get the girl? No, he handed me this long list of jobs and my eyes locked in on the word cook. “That’s what I want to do, COOK!” I replied. The recruiter shook his head, put his hand on my shoulder and said “There is no glory in cooking, how about Presidential security?” Sure, I replied. That “sure” set the pace for the next 10 years of my life.

Towards the tail end of those 10 years, I remember sitting at my desk thinking about all the people I met that spoke about following their “passion”. They seemed to be happy working from home a.k.a Starbucks; posting pictures of vacations and all the things I would rather be doing than sitting at my desk waiting for the clock to hit 3:30!

So, it must be as easy as quitting your day job and you will magically wake up tomorrow riding a fluffy unicorn through a rainbow in Mexico… WRONG!

I didn’t quit my job but I began doing what I loved, liked, enjoyed, ‘passion” (whatever you want to call it) and documenting it through social media. Everything else just fell in to place and then ‘I quit my day job”.

So, as a recap and when folks email me and ask for advice- I can only say:

1. Start doing whatever it is you think you love.

2. Use whatever experience you do have as leverage.

3. Keep learning and most important ENJOY IT!

Special thank you to Lane Gold.

