A Time for New Beginnings

On spring and second chances

Anne H. Putnam
Moments Between
2 min readMar 31, 2022


It’s officially spring, and things are coming back to life in the northern hemisphere. Snow is melting, grass is growing (way too fast for some of us to keep up with mowing it), and previously brittle, brown branches are breaking out in blossoms.

I never get tired of watching the earth come alive this time of year, even though people who know me will tell you that I also love the muffled peace of winter and the fiery colors of fall — really, summer is the only season I’m sort of ambivalent about.

But spring has an energy all its own, this newness and excitement (even for those of us who are only watching the tulips poke their heads up through our office windows). It’s full of possibility, which is exactly what our latest piece is about.

Ahaha, you thought I’d never transition, didn’t you? Never underestimate the English major in me — I can force a shift in subject matter on a dime ;)

This month, we published the first installment of Crystal Hill’s short story, The Thing About Sunsets, which follows two young people who’ve lost their close friendship and are tentatively trying to make their way back to each other. It’s a tender, evocative story about how easy it can be to break a thing, and how hard — but worthwhile — it can be to rebuild.

Since this is a longer piece, we’ve serialized it (just like we did with Alicia de los Reyes’s All Saints School for Girls); the second half will publish on April 11th.

I highly recommend getting to know Reese and Henry now, though, so you can ruminate on their fractured bond while you wait to find out if they’ll manage to repair it!

Wishing you all a wonderful, renewing spring. Happy reading!





Anne H. Putnam
Moments Between

Writer, Editor, Person who makes cakes. Love to make things awkward – no such thing as too much vulnerability. EIC: Moments Between