Before They Became Blockbusters, These People Struggled Too

Three examples of people who never gave up

Megan Boley
Mental Musings


Photo by Jeff Pierre on Unsplash

Some of the best advice I’ve ever come across was from a book, Writing the Breakout Novel. Anybody who is an aspiring author needs to read it. In that book, it says the key to writing the breakout novel is to tell a good story in such a captivating way that it cannot be ignored.

This advice can translate to anything that you do, anything that you’re passionate about that you want to share with the world:

Be so good that people can’t ignore you.

Be so good that it’s a no-brainer for that publisher to accept your work, or that label to offer you a contract, or that production company to buy your script.

If you create your best work, people will eventually take notice. But in the meantime, continue diligently working to improve your craft.

Here are some examples of people who took a while to break out and get noticed by the public, but when they did, they did it in a big way.

Brandon Sanderson, epic fantasy and science fiction author

Everybody is pretty familiar with the story of J.K. Rowling and how Harry Potter was rejected many times. So let’s take a look at…

