The Guide to Starting Over in a New City

It’s not as scary as it seems

Megan Boley
Mental Musings


Photo by ActionVance on Unsplash

When you move to a new city, you have to start over completely from scratch. You have to find a new job, new hobbies, new friends, new places to hang out. It’s a daunting task.

But it’s also exciting. It’s your chance to remake yourself and your life.

I’ve had to start over in a new city where I haven’t known anyone a few times in my life. I wish I could say it gets easier each time, but it doesn’t. You just get better at being comfortable with being uncomfortable.

Here’s how I start to build a life for myself when I have to start over in a new place.

Start with your coworkers

It makes sense that your coworkers become some of your closest friends. Spending eight or more hours a day with someone will do that.

I’ve found work friendships difficult at times. Sometimes when you’re hanging out, it feels like the workday has extended because inevitably the conversation always comes back to work. The coworker friendships that have developed into true friendships are the ones where we make a point to spend time together away from the office and away from talking shop.

