Writer’s Block Is Preventable

It doesn’t have to derail you

Megan Boley
Mental Musings


Photo by Alexandr Bormotin on Unsplash

Over 80,000 words into the first draft of my first book, and I stopped.

I was burned out, unexcited, unmotivated, and just straight up not having a good time.

So I took a hiatus and in the silence, I learned a few things about what it means to be a writer, and how to overcome the inevitable writer’s block.

Do the work but take a break

Over the past few months, I have increased my writing volume. I’ve been writing every day, which is not something I’ve ever done before. I used to only write on the weekends, and occasionally during the week if I had the time and inclination.

Writing every day means I’ve made monumental progress on my projects — but it also means I’m really effing tired.

So for the first time in several months, I put my project down and I didn’t touch it for a few weeks.

Forcing yourself to work on a creative project isn’t always a good thing. Sometimes pushing yourself and writing even though you’re blocked can help you overcome it. And sometimes, it just makes you feel worse.

As a writer in my day job, I’ve learned the value of taking a break and cutting myself some slack. Writing is exhausting. It takes a…

