Embracing the Anarchy of Gratitude this Thanksgiving

Carissa Andrews
Moments of Being
Published in
3 min readNov 24, 2016

I’ve been around for a number of Thanksgivings, but this is the first year where I’ve seen such a contentious divide in our country. I’m lucky, I happen to be surrounded by family members who have the same morals and values I have. Thanksgiving dinner won’t be a cringe-worthy event. If anything, it will be one of the better Thanksgivings I’ve had in a while.

However, I see so many of my friends, colleagues, and peers posting about the dread arising before they even take their first bite.

There’s plenty in this world we could be obstinate about. Plenty to be indignant over.

The Anarchy of Gratitude Begins

However, I truly believe to overcome it all, we have to embrace the idea that we, as humans, have more in common than we do that which separates us. Deep down, most of us really do want the best for ourselves and those we care about. Those expressions simply happen to manifest in a different process of perspective.

Regardless of who you voted for, where you stand on DaPL, if your family is divided, or whatever important topics weigh on your mind — know that you have plenty to be grateful for. In a society — hell, a world — that often doesn’t teach gratitude, I can think of no better day to practice it. Embracing the anarchy of gratitude means looking closely at your life, letting go of the things you wish were different, and being absolutely 100% happy with the present moment.

Can you do it?

It’s easy, if you try. Take a look at your life. What are five things you’re grateful for right now? This moment?

How about the smile of your children? Their infectious laughter? Are you over the moon that SnapChat was invented? Glad you have delicious food on your table? Whatever it might be, big or small, embrace it. Own it.

Now look at those same people who you disagree with. Do you feel they might be thankful for those same things? Are they sitting around their diningroom table, happy for football, pie, and a turkey leg? Do they enjoy their children? I’m willing to wager they do.

Allow this inspiration to fill you. Let it flood your consciousness and awaken the anarchy within. The anarchy of gratitude for all humankind and all our similarities. They will overcome all.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Carissa Andrews is a Multipassionate MN Entrepreneur, Sci-fi Author, freelance writer, graphic designer and artist, unapologetic progressive, Lightworker, truthsayer, and occasional badass.

Her YA science fiction novel Pendomus, is available now through Amazon. Polarities, Book 2 of the Pendomus Chronicles is near completion and Revolutions, Book 3 of the Pendomus Chronicles is her 2016 NaNoWriMo project. Stay tuned for more details on their release!



Carissa Andrews
Moments of Being

International Bestselling Author | CEO of Author Revolution | Host of the Author Revolution Podcast | Millionaire Author Coach