Sacred Writing Space Part 2: Select A Space, Command the Universe

Carissa Andrews
Moments of Being
Published in
3 min readNov 10, 2016

“When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”
~Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

Starting with your writing space, you’re signaling to the universe (hell, to yourself!) what it is you honestly want. Since we’re trying to get our game faces on to call the creative energies to our door, we’re going big or going home, folks.

Now, don’t freak out saying, “Carissa, I don’t know how to command my kids, let alone a creative space!” In selecting the perfect writing space, and trying out some of the exercises I have below, you’re subconsciously setting the intention of getting in touch the inner author in you. The writer who knows he or she is more than just a dabbler.

There’s something very cathartic in becoming completely present, and consciously claiming a space as your own. In making it your own.

So, right now — right this minute — I want you to think about a space in your home you can put your mark on. It could be as big as a whole room (perhaps you already have an office?), the corner of a room (your bedroom perhaps?), or just a small little table in a space that feels right to you. There isn’t a right or wrong answer, but I do ask you tune into your intuition to guide you, because your head can deceive you.

Tuning In:

  • Pick a couple of spaces you think would work for you. (You don’t have to stick with just one.)
  • Go into each space, one at a time, and sit in it. Be near it, be open, and present. Close your eyes and see how the space feels. Energetically, whether you’re spiritual or not, you’ll still be able to sense something in the location. You might not be able to put your finger on it, but the yes or no vibe will be there. You’ll feel excited about getting started. Or you won’t.
  • If you’re having trouble, tell your mind to shut up for a minute and really listen to your inner knowing. If it helps, ignore focusing on the space and turn inward to your breath. Follow your inhalations and exhalations until your mind has quieted its chatter.
  • If there’s any resistance in any part of your body or mind, move on to the next space. Yes, even if you THINK it should be perfect. It has to FEEL perfect.

Alright, it’s time. Let’s bust out the flares for the universe and give your muse a place to set up shop. You know, just in case. ;)

PS — → If you missed Tuesday’s post: Do You Have a Sacred Writing Space, I encourage you to go back and check it out. ;)

Carissa Andrews is a Multipassionate MN Entrepreneur, Sci-fi Author, freelance writer, graphic designer and artist, unapologetic progressive, Lightworker, truthsayer, and occasional badass.

Her YA science fiction novel Pendomus, is available now through Amazon. Polarities, Book 2 of the Pendomus Chronicles is near completion and Revolutions, Book 3 of the Pendomus Chronicles is her 2016 NaNoWriMo project. Stay tuned for more details on their release!



Carissa Andrews
Moments of Being

International Bestselling Author | CEO of Author Revolution | Host of the Author Revolution Podcast | Millionaire Author Coach