A Transition to Toddlerhood

Happy first birthday, baby girl!

McCaylee Putney
Moments of Memoir


It’s hard to believe it’s been a full year since the birth of our last baby. It truly adds a new depth to the bittersweet quotes about parenthood.

The days are long but the years are short.

Most days feel like the movie Groundhog Day.

I get up, take my boys to school, and drop my husband off at work. I feed and play with the baby, we take a nap, then suddenly it’s time to pick everyone up.

Yet, somehow I’ve blinked and my oldest is seven and losing his baby teeth.

The boy we thought was our last baby is turning six in a few days.

My actual last baby is one. No longer a baby and officially a toddler.

Time is a thief.

Our Story

I met my husband in 2014 while working in a package handling warehouse.

He was my direct supervisor and we were both in long-term relationships. I was living with my boyfriend at the time. The connection was instantaneous and we fought hard against it.

We started off as friends, bonding over similar music tastes, the struggles of college, and the big dreams we had for ourselves.



McCaylee Putney
Moments of Memoir

A busy mom and aspiring author who wants to share her writing journey with you. All of it. Let's celebrate, cry, and work together.