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5 Things to Expect When Dating a Mature Woman

When You Match With Maturity, Here’s What Happens

Joe Duncan
Published in
7 min readDec 27, 2019


Most of my adult life has been spent dating slightly younger women, younger by a year or two, give or take. It wasn’t really something I set out to do so much as that’s just how the cards were dealt at the time and I gladly accepted them. Who I ran into as well as who I clicked with and found myself attracted to was largely left up to chance. There was that one year, though, where I found myself dating a string of women five and six years my junior when I was about thirty. None of it was fulfilling or lasting.

And, truth be told, the reason none of those relationships worked wasn’t because of the fact that those women were younger than me — once people are autonomous adults, hey, age really is just a number, after all — but there was still something missing…and that something was maturity. Age certainly is no substitute for experience, though you’re more likely to find experience in people who’ve lived a lot of years. Personally, I just so happen to have lived a whole lot of years in a short period of time. Compatible levels of maturity and seriousness can make or break a relationship. Here are five things you can expect when you take the plunge and dive into a relationship with a mature woman.



Joe Duncan

I’ve worked in politics for thirteen years and counting. Editor for Sexography: | The Science of Sex: