A Day in the Life of a Guy in a Polyamorous Relationship

A Silly Excursion into the Life of a Guy in a Polyamorous Relationship

Joe Duncan
Published in
6 min readJan 30, 2019


Have you ever sat back and wondered what it must be like to be in someone else’s shoes? To live their lives for a day, to feel what they feel, experience what they experience, see what they see? This story attempts to give you the chance to do just that, take a casual stroll into my life for a day to see what its like.

While some of you might consider this downright taboo or even super-duper-freaky-deaky, I’ve said it before and will repeat: I’m a man who’s in love with a woman who’s in love with another man — but she’s also in love with me. He is her husband, I am her boyfriend. We have a very wonderful, caring, healthy, happy relationship that often feels more like a unified whole than two distinct relationships taking place side-by-side. It’s actually pretty great, if I’m being both honest and boastful, here.

We’re polyamorous and we’re also in a closed relationship, which means that she maintains a relationship with him and a relationship with myself, but no one sleeps with other people outside of the three of us. I’m sure there are plenty out there who’ve wondered what it’s like to have a situation like ours — the thought of it totally blew my mind before I got into such a…



Joe Duncan

I’ve worked in politics for fourteen years and counting. Editor for Sexography: Medium.com/Sexography | The Science of Sex: http://thescienceofsex.substack.com