Published in
2 min readMay 13, 2020

Since all the virus has started, and the quarantine was declared I have got a lot of time to think about much more things that slipe away in the chaotic world. Despite the terrible situation the ones that can read these message have to think about all the things about their lives, it´s difficult to say something right to all the people that hopefully read these blog, but I will say somethings I personally have been thinking much harder and trying to improve for my life time being.

Some of the things I personally have thought throw out the quarantine it´s how lucky I´m to have not the greatest family, not one with all together but one that suits my interest and love just the way it is. Having someone to talk about just everything I can simply imagine and having trust in the answer.

The love that I receive from my loved one, and all the great things we have in common and we share.

All the great memories I have with all of them. Remembering moment´s I lived with my loved ones that are not longer alive, those things are hard to think about but remembering funny memories and stories help not forgetting them and have a greater meaning in our lives.

Apart from all the loves one I found more time to do things I love, like cooking and reading. There is no such thing in quarantine like not having time, so I love spending little bits of the day doing the things I love. Reading as much as possible and cooking for my love ones things that I make with lots of love.

Hope everyone is safe at home and trying to keep this quarantine as best as they can, and for those who are ill or have someone who is ill hope they the best to all.



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This profile is for random things I think and write.