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How to Move From Doomer to Bloomer.

Two steps to Embracing a positive outlook on life.

Published in
7 min readSep 29, 2020


For most of my college years up until about a year ago, I was filled with a sense of purposelessness, along with a deep despair for Being. To me, life was just one big bowl of meaningless soup garnished with pain and suffering, and topped off with humanity’s ignorance, greed, and malevolence.

Everywhere I looked, my pessimistic outlook on life was continually being reinforced. I saw no reason to engage in traditional pursuits and instead busied myself with excessive drinking, smoking, and other hedonistic activities as a distraction from the constant melancholia I felt.

Only, I was not the only one faced with these kinds of feelings. Back in 2018, a variation of the Wojack character (also known as the feels guy) took the internet by storm. The character was depicted as a depressed 20 something-year-old who was also an alcoholic and a drug addict — and who had the fitting name of “doomer.”

The character popularity and widespread relatability was very telling of the prevalent mental state, especially among young adults, in the modern-day society. It revealed the true depth of pessimism and nihilism being experienced as a consequence of a failed society.

