I can’t breathe

S.F. Kurlek
Published in
2 min readJun 9, 2020
Photo by Hasan Almasi on Unsplash

I can’t breath, in the midst of the smoke
there’s grey on all sides. Thick in my throat.

Beneath me there’s grass, but it’s red and not green.
Turf that is drenched, running moist with unclean.
It stains dark my hands, that tell me to go.
I need to get out of here. The stomping is close.

My legs they extend but it feels so surreal
— to walk on a battlefield, to hear the guns peal.
My brothers they shriek. I can hear them cry out
but my gun is lost somewhere, eclipsed by the clouds.

My brown eyes they dart, through the heavy thick fog
-bodies upon bodies that don’t move at all.

I can’t breath, while every second we die.
We shouldn’t be here, this can’t be right…
Bang upon boom, there’s more soldiers coming.
Armed. Suited. Ready. Who’s military’s marching?
My heart, it beats fast and these feet they just run
through smoke over people who lay in their blood.

Opaque devoid eyes, stare right up at me
Crying “What can I do?”
as I fall to my knees.

My chest it breaks there, as I sink in the ground
wanting to hear something but blaring, loud sounds
Through the light haze, my limbs they just fly
until I hit the ground. And my air passes by.

I can’t breath, my vision fades in and out
a landmine went off and my time, it counts down.
Dark and then bright it blurs the whole time
-is there someone to tell me it’s going to be fine?

The people they’re gone. Can they come back?
A void, there’s a void — and you don’t fix crap.
Why are they shooting? “There’s no enemies here!”
We don’t need sorries. We need you to care.

I can’t breath — Would you care if it’s you?
Maybe you would. If it was your family too..
Your brother, your sister. Your mom or your dad.
Blood, bullets and beatings forced onto them.

I can’t breath if we keep up this fight
We all know the truth, so why do you try?
We’re not going to fight. Or battle. Or shoot.
But we’re calling you out on being plain cruel.



S.F. Kurlek
Writer for

We all have one foot in a fairytale and the other in the abyss. -Coelho