I Haven’t Talked With My Sister Since 1997

I don’t want to meet with her, and it’s ok

Smillew Rahcuef


A countryside road bordered by trees covered with snow.

Last time I saw my sister was just after Clinton’s second term started. It sounds crazy; it was more than twenty years ago, in another century.

I’m not angry at her.

I was, not anymore. If I had to be angry with anyone now, it would be with my parents. I’m not angry at her, but I don’t want to check on her. It’s too late; I moved on.

I’m old enough to know that our energy is in limited supply. It should be invested wisely and not spent on a lost cause.

Why would I share this with you? It’s about telling others out there, they’re not alone. Maybe it’s about telling you that you’re not alone.

There’s another way.

Talking about a psychological burden helps. That might be one of my reasons, but not the most important one.

I want to write a text that would have made me feel better thirty years ago, twenty years ago, and ten years ago…

I want people struggling with similar situations to know that leaving their family is an option. It’s not possible to avoid the shame and pain. You can’t erase them, but they can be…

