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Language Learning and Self-Confidence

Could Learning a New Language be the Ticket to Self-Confidence and Productivity?

Joe Duncan
Published in
6 min readApr 25, 2019


One hour ago I finished up a post on Medium, then I did some touching up to some material that will be published on my website, and then sat down to relax and rest my mind from the digital distractions which accompany us seemingly everywhere we go in our modern era. Ahh, I was finally free to just chill and take it easy for a little while, no responsibilities — it was the moment I’d been waiting for…

…and that’s when it happened — I opened my phone and there was a notification from Duolingo, the language learning application available on pretty much every thinkable platform, reminding me that I hadn’t yet completed my Spanish lessons for the day.

Here I was, trying very hard to be irresponsible (and be good at it), and here comes this app telling me that I’m being irresponsible…I was offended. How dare this app call me irresponsible? The audacity!

But alas, the app was right — I was being prematurely irresponsible! I hadn’t finished all of my duties of the day quite yet, there was still more to go!

Note: From now on, I’m referring to it as “premature irresponsibility,” cause that just sounds way better than, “laziness,” but I digress. Onwards to



Joe Duncan

I’ve worked in politics for fourteen years and counting. Editor for Sexography: | The Science of Sex: